
I want to take a Mex. Cruise, dep from S.F., CA- What is the best way to find a travel buddy? Solo is 2X $$.?

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I'd like to take an 11 day Princess Cruises trip, departing from San Francisco, CA, in Dec, Jan or Feb. If I travel solo I would have to pay 2X the normal cost because the fares are based on "DOUBLE Occupancy". So, if there is anyone who knows of someone that I can share the costs with- let me know.

I'm 43 y/o non smoking male who is very nice. My email is




  1. Try, go on the boards and click on roll call. You may find someone or you can post the dates you are interested in and see if you get any takers.

  2. Have you checked for a single rate?

    Not always, but there are times when you won't pay double.

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