
I want to take an overdose of my haloperidol what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i have delusional disorder im just so depressed im getting very tempted to take an overdose of my haloperidol ive tried loads of antipsychotics but none of them seem to work and when i tell my psycyatrist i feel suicidel he just puts the dose of haloperidol up and i cant tell my parents because they think im better and i dont want to hurt them it seems the onley way out is death im onley 16 i want a life would haloperidol kill me if i took an overdose




  1. you really need to talk to your parents because you need a new psychiatrist and different meds.  don't be afraid of hurting their feelings.  they will be more hurt if you hurt yourself and don't talk to them.  death is not the only way out.

  2. first, please read this.

    It helped me when I was suicidal.

    Call 1-800-273 TALK. They will talk to you for as long as you need it.

    There are people who care. Yahoo has groups for different things that depress you. They really helped me. If you want me to help you find one, email me.  

  3. not right away it wouldn't...but it could damage your liver enough that you would suffer the long agonizing death of liver failure...don't recommend it.

  4. That drug has many side effects. You might develop neuroleptic malignant syndrome for one, and you might die from that which is VERY painful and slow and deadly.  Why not talk to your psychiatrist again, or call a suicide prevention hotline. Trust me you will hurt your parents more by taking your life. Maybe it's time to change therapists if you feel your current one is not meeting your needs. Suicide is never the right way out. Can you find some sort of support group to join?Please don't do it.

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