
I want to take ballet.....?

by  |  earlier

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Im thirteen (almost fourteen) and want to start ballet. But im scared that i would always stuff things up and im not flexible. do you have to be flexible? Also, im scared of being the fattest (i have biggish thighs) but im not THAT big.




  1. Just find a studio that has a beginner class for your age group.

    Ask the dance teacher for some exercises to do at home to imporve your flexiblity. Remember everyone in the class will be new to ballet too.

  2. Yes, dancers do need to be flexible. I would recommend stretching everyday for about...15 minutes? Each day go a little farther. Don't push yourself too much because you could strain your muscles. If you think you will be the fattest. Stop thinking that. Also, eat healthier (cut down junk food as much as possible) and exercise(I would recommend running because it cuts the fat off the thighs.)

  3. I did Ballett too, everyday 2-3 hours, but now I don't have time

    You must EAT & DRINK ENOUGH!!!

  4. No need to worry. I've been doing ballet for about 13 years now, i would recommend you find a class that is suited for your ability, same age kids with the same strengths. When i was 13 i started to become self conscious about the size of my thighs, later on i learnt that they are what allows me to do all kinds of ballet jumps and leaps.

    don't worry!

  5. I teach a class that would be geared toward students like yourself. It's a beginner ballet class ages (10-15). Just because you start late doesn't mean you should count yourself out. Catching up isn't easy, but it's doable. You may not be flexible now, but flexibility isn't all natual, you have to work at it and you would gain that in a class. Don't worry about how you look, if you want to do this, do it and enjoy it. You never know until you try and I have seen people start late and become wonderful dancers. It's all in the heart!

  6. ok, i think every one has biggish thighs to an extent, dont worry about it, if the thighs are muscle that will deffinatly help!!! if not i would suggest doing scissors. (lay on your back and lift one leg up slowly, slowly set it back on the ground and do the same with the other one) do as many as you can, also try running, it will help your indurance. next, for your flexibility, work on it every day, dont skip anydays though (unless seriously injured) do leg stretches (toe touches and the butterfly), lunges for splits, stretch your arms behind your back. and also, you will need back flexibility. do bridges and back bends.

    i know that is alot of stuff but you will see improvement.

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