
I want to take my car to Mexico but I don't want to drive it... How can I send it???

by  |  earlier

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Im going to Zamora, Michoacan, Mexico(which is about 2-3hrs way from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico)

I don't want to drive my car down there because don't want to add all those miles on it, but I do want to have a car to drive when Im down there.

How can I send my car down there??




  1. There is a rail tour that takes your car along with you... it costs about $3000.  You DO know you will have close to $1000 in fees to get your car into mexico, I suppose.

  2. you can send it by the car ferry.

       *check on internet

  3. Hi! I know a company that does that, they good and reliable. (did not mention cheap! ) Follow the link

    Please note that you also have to remember you have to get a permit from the Mexican goverment in order to do that.

    Hope this helps and have fun in Zamora

  4. instead of doing that you could always rent a car, it would be much easier and probably cheaper

  5. sorry i don't know how to get your car to mexico without driving it. just wanted to say GOOD LUCK DUCKS IN 07. anxious for the season to get underway.

  6. at first i was wondering "why are you going to take your car if you won't drive it?" but then i read the whole question. i really don't know. i tried to think of something, but I don;t know, look it up online.

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