
I want to take pilot training.plz give me right guidence.?

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I want to take pilot training.plz give me right guidence.?




  1. This Flight school has the best training programs ever!

    Students are from all over the world, I'm one of them actually.

  2. You can study CPL in any country. But select a program as per the specifications of Indain DGCA.

    Australia is the best country offering Indian CPL courses followed by USA

    Cost will be around Rs.20-23 lakhs and duration is 52 wks

    You can take CPL+CIR and ME Ratings with 200/210 flying hours . When you finish your course you can come back to India and convert your CPL to Indian CPL.


    No graduation is required.

    Pre Requisites to start training are the following

    Minimum age 18 by the time you finish your training

    +2 with science and Mathematics only if you are from India

    Pass a Class 1 CASA medical

    Obtain an Student Visa


    We can get you admission in any college

    Contact us for more info

  3. Buy an aeroplane

  4. According to Douglas Adams in " Life,The Universe and Everything,( part of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy ( in 6 books)) "the abilitity or rather art of flying is .. the ability to throw one's self at the ground.. and miss."

  5. GuidAnce.....people will think you're smarter when you spell correctly.  That's where I would start on my career.  You need a college degree from somewhere, and some colleges offer aviation programs.  You can kill 2 birds with one stone.

  6. Aloha from Down Unda!

    Either apply in the Armed Forces or go to Solvang, California & see John Hall

    Best wishes~

  7. Have money, lots of it.

    When you fly, always fly as if you expect the engine to quit at any minute or have some other failure that forces you toward the ground, always, always have a safe landing site in your mind, and keep searching for others. Keep your passengers informed of everything, brief them on safety, what to do in an emergency, and whenever you are in doubt, talk to ATC, that's what they are there for.

    Flying is stress free and fun for your passengers, but for you, learning to do it will be far from the fantasy that you dream and experience in your flight sims. It takes quite a bit of dedication, you need to maintain your proficiency on a regular basis, it is not like riding a bike at all, you do get rusty pretty quickly.

    Landing, practise this always, it's the most difficult thing to do besides IFR and trying to actually fly the plane and navigate with your flight computer and a map.

    The study books tend to evolve fairly quickly, so keep up to date on these, even if you already have your license, it's your duty to maintain an up to date understanding of air law.

    Find an instructor and a school that YOU are comfortable with. Some think that stressing you out is the best thing since sliced bread, while others are more tolerant of your mistakes and actually communicate rather than tell you you are stupid over the intercom :-)

    Good luck!

  8. digitalchinky





    His answer is best, that's the best guidance ever and I really wish I had read something like that before I had started my flight training all those years ago...

  9. Start out by going to your local airport and seeing what flight schools are there and what they have to offer.

    You shoudld go on a "dicovery flight" to see if its right for you and if you like the school.

    Take a look at this website (AOPA) It is a valuable resource for someone just staring out in aviation.

    You can find a locat flight school easily by visiting

    A degree is recommened once you get to the major airline level, most people get their degree online during their flight training or while working as an instructor.

    There is valuable information on becoming a pilot at the FAA website at

    A copy of FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator is a great way to learn about the fundamentals and it can build a foundation to build on .....

    Good Luck To You!

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