
I want to take some kinda self defense class i want some around mma or ufc im 14 108 any suggestions?

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I want to take some kinda self defense class i want some around mma or ufc im 14 108 any suggestions?




  1. Dude if nothing better shows up go here,

    It tells you about everything you need to know about fighting. Its worth a look if you don't get what you're looking for here.

  2. MMA is a real Martial Arts, life is'nt a fairy tale. But the ninja dude is right take taekwondo.

  3. well theres a difference between mma and self defense, mma is really good for one on one in a fair fight, but once his buddies join in or sumone pulls out a knife then your gonna really wish you took a more traditional martia art such as karate jiu-jitus or hapkido, taekwandos good to just not my personal choice, and being karate pracitioner myself i can tell ya that its very effective and deadly, youll learn how to defend against one or multiple attackers as well as weapons, just remember though that every system is gonna have a down side, karate dosnt have much of a ground game whie jiu-jitsu well get u ****** up if hes got friends or is a good boxer, but train hard at ur style and ull overcome any of these problems.

    also i understand that talking about martial arts is like talkin about religeon, so if i pissed anyone off, srry

  4. Japanese Jiu-jitsu.

    Best wishes :)***

  5. Take Muay Thai, and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. Learn some Judo, and then join your schools wrestling team. Bada-boom.

  6. take judo or bjj

  7. If you really want to learn to fight then don't take MMA. Take a real martial art like Tae Kwon Do.

  8. ....hmm.... no, that would be bad, ordinarily, 14 is okay, but since you said UFC, I would say you're a little immature to take that kind of martial art, UFC is just a fighting league, not a class, and MMA consists of some brutal exercises, I think you're just following a fad, but if you aren't, take Karate, it's good for discipline, and it's easy to find, I'd also suggest a multitude of other arts, but odds are, you won't find them, Chinese Martial arts aren't easy to find. Taekwondo is good, like Bujinkan said, it's more acrobatic though, and you need a decent sense of balance for it, thusly, it's a more restrictive martial art.

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