
I want to take up a martial arts class but I wear glasses, what are my options?

by Guest66739  |  earlier

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I can't see far away at all, my vision is very VERY bad. If I take them off, I can barely see one foot in front of me. I can see perfectly up close though, so reading books and such are easy. What are my options? I don't know if I can wear contacts because getting them in and out seem to be impossible 'cause whenever I touch my eye it automatically shuts. If I get them in I'd be worried that I can't get them out. I can't afford the eye surgery.




  1. Get the sports glasses that athletes wear in contact sports. Here is a link that shows a pair that would work or get some similar. Top pair right side of the page under "Action Sports".

  2. As a fellow nearsighted person, I must let you know I have lost a couple pairs of glasses when training in martial arts. Mostly because of beginners, but still you should abide by the words of O.D.B. "Protect yourself before you wreck yourself." I've worn contacts pretty much everyday since junior high school. At first, they are very difficult to get used to. It used to take me a half hour to put them in and sometimes I'd have to have my mom do it for me. It took a few months, but I got the hang of it and I think you will too if you give them a shot. Although they aren't for everyone. The best part about wearing contacts while practicing martial arts is that you can use your peripheral vision.

  3. Lasik surgery, contact lenses, or get a helmet.

  4. sports glasses(with strap)


    just wear glasses as normal


    go blind.

    good luck

  5. During normal training, in most schools, you could wear glasses throughout most of class (drills, forms, pageis (spelling?) and the like).

    During physical stuff (like sparing, if you get into a sport-oriented dojo), grappling, etc, it may just be advisable to take them off.

    Are contacts an option throughout the whole of class? With a bit of work you could probably get used to taking them in and out.

  6. I believe they are called "recspecs" and they are a shielded strapped on protector that goes over your glasses while you train

  7. you can probably still wear them, as long as you're not sparring. in which case you will need sports glasses or contacts.

  8. Learn Ki' Tsune Ken. They can teach you to fight blindfolded. You will kick *** that way too.

  9. If glasses are a fact of life (don’t feel bad, they are for me too), then look for Aikido or maybe Kendo if you’re into the sword stuff. If you’re just dying to mix it up in a kung fu school, the afore mentioned Tai Chi and Wing Chun would be good but you’re probably better off with Tai Chi. Wing Chun is based in the Shaolin animal styles and you’re gonna get hit eventually if you do it. It is a highly defensive style though. Tai Chi (the real stuff, not the c**p they teach senior citizens) is based in the Taoist styles and they were more into not getting hit. Another Taoist thing was water boxing. I can’t remember the classical name. It’s nigh impossible to hit a good water boxer. The ones I’ve seen at my school, it’s like you throw a punch and the guy’s not there anymore. Sit down with all the schools you have access to in your area and get them to explain the style they teach to you. Even with glasses, you should have plenty of options. Good Luck.

  10. depends on what kinda martial arts classes u take

    depends on which school u're in

    e.g.  if u're taking lessons such as taichi or wing tsun

    u should be fine with ur glasses

  11. There are special strap glasses that are used for sports that stay strapped to your head and are prescripted from your eye doctor. In your case, Far sight. Your doctor will carefully put your prescripted lenses in so you can see. The glasses also come in cool colors and desgins. Talk to your eye doctor about these glasses. They look something like this,

  12. contacts

  13. If you are taking karate, for non sparring classes you can always wear your glasses. In times when you are sparring, you can wear your glasses with a face shield.

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