
I want to take up a sport?! PLEASE ANSWER?

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I'm a fourteen-year-old girl and I love sports (like in gym class and such) but I've never been on a soccer team or anything like that because my family cannot afford it. But this summer (and in the school year) I want to take up a fun sport. But it can't cost much money, which means I can't take classes because they are WAY too expensive. My dad used to play tennis and golf a lot, and he's good at it still, but I think I might feel dumb learning from my forty-four year old overweight dad. I don't mean to sound mean or anything, I just don't know if I'm comfortable with that. And my mom isn't into sports much, so she won't be much help with that. There's really no one else in my family who could help me with this, and most of my friends aren't into the kind of sports I like. (They like to play baseball and basketball, but I prefer sports like volleyball, tennis, etc.). So, do you have any suggestions? Should I ask my dad? Or should I try to learn a sport by myself? I don't know! Thx




  1. Im eleven years and I play tennis, in the summer, swimming is the best, joining a local team team doesnt cost to much but its really fun. I hope u have good luck

  2. I'm a sixteen year old boy in high school and i always wanted to play sports but never really got the chance to. My advice is to take whatever chance you have and make the most of it. Try out for lacrosse or tennis. I see tennis as a strong thing for you since your father played it. Don't worry about how old he is or his weight. Trust me, as you grow older, those things wouldn't matter at all. Plus it gives you time to be with your father

  3. Play Tennis. This is an awesome sport, and it is not a male dominated sport at all. It also can bring out the girly girls too, take a look at Maria Sherapova and Anna Kournikova. You can still look "cute" out there in your tennis skirt while sending a winner down the line. Wimbledon is going on right now, although Sherapova just lost to a girl ranked in the 150s. Another cool thing you can do is join the school tennis team. If you can, find a tennis partner (girl or guy) and just go out and rally. You don't need to play games all the time, just rally and work on forehand and backhand shots. It is really a great sport that can be worked on either with a team, class or individually and is widely popular and open to both male and females. Get good while you are young, you will be able to play this game on up into your adult hood and even with your father. I don't think tennis classes are all that expensive either, and all you need is like a 100 dollar racquet and some balls which are like a few bucks for 3 or 4. I'd buy a good racquet though, its like a one time investment, so buy a good one first, and you won't have to buy one for many years. I still use some of my racquets from 10 years ago and they still go strong. Pete Sampras and Federer (these guys are arguably the best tennis players in tennis history) use a racquet that sells for close to 200 bucks. Sampras had used one model of racquet for most all of his entire tennis career. The sport can be played with great equipment for a total of less than 300 bucks tops. I would suggest taking a few lessons first though, a tennis class should go for about 100 bucks for like 10 lessons. Or just goto youtube and watch tennis videos or professional tennis players and learn from their form. Make sure to use lots of sunscreen too.

  4. well most parks have sport teams that u can join that wont cost u that much...they teach u how to play the sport and if they have different levels you will keep on moving up untill you reach the top level for that sport...this makes it easy for you to try other sports if you reach the top level of another sport

  5. Volleyball would be pretty easy to learn and once you learn you can join a team

  6. usually i pracice by myself but my dad is good at tennis and my mom is good at volleyball and i wasn't feeling comfortable for them teaching me. But i just took that chance and now i go to competition for both of those sports. and i practice gymnastics but by my self. you shood ask you dad if your up for it.


    but if that doesnt groove you, figure out what you'd like to play best, and stick to it.

    or just try a few out, and pick the best out.

    u should be happy your dad is there to teach you, you might regret not accepting it someday, believe me..

    have fun though!!

  8. what i would do is try something that possibly won,t be too expensive, go to your local park, or where ever you have access to running, track, try running track even long distance running, put the tennis and volley ball on the shelf for now,  it will be there later.    try some broad jumping, in local parks where they have these facilities, or if not it does not take much to broad jump and measure, be sure it is in the dirt, or grass,   anyway,   if you have a bicycle aren,t there places to ride these things,    but you need a pretty good bike,and that means money, for bicycle riding to be of any good,  of course there is swimming, and sometimes local pools if there are any offer free classes, and there are local gyms, which might also offer free memberships,    for people in some circumstances,    

    you could maybe consult a social worker, who might help here,    i don,t know, i hope you find friends and people who can help you,  but yeah, try to learn a sport by yourself,   and all the while, get into yoga, and other calistenics, and arobics,   many books with pictures and diagrams can be gotten at the local libraries,    yoga is really helpful and the stretching exercises which you have to do anyway in any sports,    so good luck and hope you have much success. you have plenty of time to let those other sports go for awhile, there are also many things the local police depts offer, like PAL Police Atheletic League,  and of course you can ask your dad, and maybe you can be of help to him, get him off the couch, and it doesn,t hurt to learn a few things from dad and play a few games once or a few times a week,    give it a go,

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