
I want to take-up medicine and be a doctor someday...but my parents don't like to...what will i do?

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I want to take-up medicine and be a doctor someday...but my parents don't like to...what will i do?




  1. It's your life career - you pretty much live with the consequences of your choice unless you go back to university and study something else.

    If you want to do medicine and have the grades, go for it.

  2. just follow your heart.  

  3. First which medicine you want to take . If it's help your life you must take it but if it's extra and your family doesn't want don't take it  

  4. Family support for a career in medicine (like most careers) is helpful, but not required.

    A college degree _is_ required to apply--this is usually where family support is most helpful.  On the other hand, getting loans for college is relatively easy, and the government has a guaranteed student loan program for amounts that cover most of college costs.  The degree does _NOT_have to be in premedicine, or even biological sciences.  I've known plenty of people with degrees in English or History who've ended up in medical school.

    Of course, loans are loans, and they still have to be repaid with interest.  It is always helpful to have family help cover costs at the beginning so you are not paying interest on it for 10-20 years afterward, but it is definitely not a requirement.

    Medical school is actually easier financially.  In terms of amounts, of course, it is ridiculous--upwards of $100,000 a year in some private schools.  But state schools can be much less (about a quarter or less of the cost).  In addition, the federal government's guaranteed student loan program will cover almost the entire cost of medical school, and private banks are eager to loan medical students money, so it is almost impossible to be unable to get enough loans for medical school.  In fact, the interest rates for medical school loans are incredibly low, and you will be in a well-paying career afterwards.

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