
I want to talk to a Psychic Vampires ?

by  |  earlier

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today i heard about them, and know a bit

but i want to ask one some questions

if you are one, or know about them

please add my msn and we will talk




  1. psychic vampires are simply people, spirits or anything that  drains your energy and it makes them feel superior.

    they're not actually vampires.

    psychic vampires like to make fun of you or make you feel bad and in return...well you feel bad

    my brother is one

    psychic attacks are very rare by the way but there are ways to protect yourself.

    the more powerful you are, the bigger your net is to attracting a psychic vampire. they can sense you from many towns away

  2. Did you get my email??  I can school you on this stuff if you want.  Email me.

  3. ask alice cullen.


  4. A psychic vampire is just a fancy term for a boring person that makes you fall asleep talking to them...more or less.

    Anton LaVey made a big deal about it.  If you ask me he was a psychic vampire. He's sure drained a lot of brains.

  5. what i know from psychic vamps are common stuff. they drain energy from people they are around they can be good or bad depending the way they feed.

  6. vampires arent not real, get the **** over it and wake up to th real world!

  7. hmm i agree someone call up alice cullen would'ja!?

    haha sorry i do not know.

    i just heard about them right now.interesting

  8. i am a psi-vamp in my awakening stage. you are free to cantact me via email. i dont use im. just email me on here

  9. I don't use msm, but you can email me. I'm psi-vampiric.

    You can find more psi-vamps at the forums I'm listing below.

    Best Wishes,

    - P.

  10. psychic vampires are in their graves. they only leave in spirit so good luck finding one.

    mercy brown is a good choice.

    do some research it helps.

    i'm not psychic but i hope when i die due to my heritage i will become a full vampire. my great great great great aunt mercy brown bit my great great great great grandfather making me 1/8 vampire.

    i was born dead and revived so i guess you could say i'm a vampire but it would be a bit off.

  11. my sister thinks shes one are you one and just email me on here and well talk

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  13. Call Microsoft.

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