
I want to teach my 3.5 year old son how to pee satnding up. Any dad's have advice?

by  |  earlier

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I was going to try having him watch me so he can learn by example.




  1. play sink the boat!  place a small piece of toilet paper in and have him try to sink it!  You can also play Fire fighter...same idea different name!  Make sure you prepare yourself for the mess!  I wish my son would still sit and pee!!

  2. I've heard of some dads who toss a few Cheerios into the toilet before their son pees, and have them aim for those. That way it's kind of like a game, so it's fun for them to potty train like a "big boy".

  3. Well I am not a man but the Mom who taught her son how to pee standing up....I placed one sheet of toilet paper in the water, and told him to play sink the sailboat. That is how it worked for us. Make a game out of it.

  4. I'm a mom to 2 girls. However, I am a licensed childcare provider in my home and have helped many of little boys learn to pee in the big boy toilet. If he needs to give him a step-stool to stand on so he is tall enough. You can buy targets to teach boys to pee or like a couple of the other ladies have said try Cheerios. Make a game out of it he will need to aim and sink the ships or see how many bubbles he can make while peeing. Just make it fun, be positive with him, and when he does pee in the toilet teach him to put the toilet seat back down or if he forgets to put the seat up before he pees teach him to wipe the seat off. And like always make sure he washes his hands. Good luck and whatever you do do not use pull-ups they are a waste of your money and not good for the environment. You can buy thick potty training under-ware for him. You can buy them at JC Penney's. Good luck!!!

  5. Not a dad but as a single mom to boys I can say that once my boys were tall enough to pee standing up in the toilet then it was easy but until their legs were long enough it was just to difficult so they gave up.  My boys like to stand and aim at the Cheerios in the toilet so that was a fun game to get them going.  I thought learning by example would work so i had my younger son watching my older son but that just didn't work he had to do it in his own time.  The important thing in the beginning is just to get him peeing in the potty at all then the standing up can come later.  

  6. I am not a Dad either but I see nothing wrong with Dad showing him how.  My husband showed my boys.  he just asked them if they wanted to learn how the big boys do it.

    LOL  My first son tried helping to teach my second.  They drew pictures on the back of the door.  LOL  Then my second thought anything with a hole in it was good to go.  LOL  He was going down a few heater vents.  Lot of clean up there!  LOl  Please dont teach him to go outside.  It is real emberassing to have them whip it out in the yard when company is around.  We finally told him in the house the only place to go is the toilet and outside ONLY in emergencies and he is well hid.  LOL

  7. don't teach him MEN WEE OVER FLOORS BAD ENOUGH.

  8. throw some fruit loops in the toilet and let him aim at them, its also a good color game as well to teach him colors, tell him to aim at the yellow one and make it fun.

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