
I want to terminate a contract with my landlord... how can I get out of it?

by  |  earlier

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I am a student (in UK) and I signed a contract to move into a new flat for next academic year with a letting agency suited for students. I signed this around the middle of May, and gave a deposit of around £300.

My tenancy starts this Friday 1st August 2008. However, i now would like to terminate this contract as I have found somewhere more suitable, and for another financial reason.

I would like to know how I can go about terminating this contract... I expect to lose the deposit, but I dont want to have to pay the years worth if i do pullout.

Any advice would be great. Thankyou!

ps, i have considered asking citizens advice too but would like to hear your opinions first.




  1. Tell the agent/landlord asap and they may be able to fill the place quickly, and they you will only have to pay until a new tenant is found.

  2. What are the laws for tenants in U.K?

    Can you sub lease the flat?  Have

    another person lease the flat in their name?

    I wish you the best.

  3. No doubt you are already aware that you are in a very sticky position & one which you will have to think very carefully about. You will lose your deposit & may be sued for breach of contract by the Landlord & also by the letting agency. I can only suggest that as you are a student you may be entitled to help under the 'Green Form' scheme from a solicitor who deals in Property Contracts. You could also have a word with the Letting Agency but don't hold out much help from them. I wish you luck tho' & hope you get sorted before the 1st aug.

  4. The bottom line is - a contract is a contract. You have signed a contract for a years tenancy and have had nearly 3 months to think about it and now you want out at short notice because you have found somewhere you like better, and maybe cheaper. Legally you are bound to honour that contract so all you can hope for is that the Landlord and his letting agency are prepared to discuss a termination.

    You are a student so obviously are intelligent, it will serve you well in the future to realise that a legal contract is a binding agreement that you cannot just dump because you changed your mind.

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