
I want to throw a housewarming party but it has to be cheap no more then $200?

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of course i want my friends to bring a gift, i need them since my boyfriend and I dont have would it be rude to put gift ideas like giftcards on the invitation and etc? and since we have a budget of no more of $200 what can i do about acholic drinks,we need them since all my friends are from 19-30yrs old and also food ideas because im on this tight budget....some friends said i should do BYOD...but im not to excited by that idea since i want gifts but i dont want my friends to have to spend money on a bottle plus a gift....have any ideas for me...I need the help!!! lol




  1. Go to bevmo! and get a case of wine, and a couple handles of hard, pick up some sodas and juices (those who don't drink, can drink of those, or they can be used as mixers). Do a taco bar, it's seriously the best and cheapest way to feed a bunch of people.

    Don't put gift ideas on the card, it's just tacky (I did receive one once with the gift stuff on it, I wasn't the only one who refused to attend the party because I felt it was as if the host was throwing it just for the gifts.....even if you are). It's fairly understood that a present should be brought for the host/hostess.

  2. chicken wings from your local Chinese restaurant(they are cheap and good).in my area you get 50 wings for 19.00.pasta salad,you can get at the grocery store in a box and mix together 4-5 boxes will make a lot,  add a cheese tray,vegetable tray,couple bags of meat balls  and  rolls..try doing a sangria punch and mix the alochol  in it yourself..lots of cheap recipes on line or do a plain punch and add fruit and alachol...I promise this will be a hit and in your budget

  3. You don't usually have a 'meal' at a housewarming party --- finger foods is all you need.  Can't your friends do without alcohol for once?  The purpose of a housewarming party is to show off your new house.  House warming parties are frequently a come and go affair like an open house.

    Thoughtful guests bring a gift, but it's not a shower and the gifts are usually more of a token gift than a major gift.  It would be very rude to list what gifts you'd like or the places to purchase gifts.

  4. Try a punch like a theme drink it will be a lot cheaper and you can make two different types.  Like Martinis and Long islands also do something easy for food.  Finger foods work great try Gordon's  Food Service they have pre-made foods.  chicken wings, quiche, or maybe something as simple as spaghetti.

  5. Why can't you just make it BYO? If people want to drink, they can bring their own. You could then just buy the ice for the esky to keep them cool, and supply savories? Mini quiches and sausage rolls and stuff arent expensive, and you just heat them in the oven. I'd be able to throw a housewarming party for about $80 I reckon! Its not being tight. Its just how you budget. Good luck

  6. Very good, very easy,and low cost recipes right here.

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