
I want to train my dog...? what now?

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as you probably know if you read my last question...i just got a new siberian husky,not a pure breed.i want to start trianing him,i mean i know it's soon,but i want him to learn some easy stuff,he's getting used to his new name,and i want him to learn how to "give paw" or "sit down" and easy stuff.plz tell me some tricks or help with pointers. peace out,

the princess!




  1. With my husky I used sign language.  I used a verbal command with hand signals (never use words that to her people can use). Use small dog treats, work with them a half an hour everyday.  Do only one trick at a time.  When your dog can do the trick consistently stop saying the words, and use just the hand signals.  When she gets that down, go on to the next trick

  2. Usually sit, and shake are fairly easy to train your dog to do. My german shepherd/malamute mix learned both commands in two days.  Commands like stay, come, and down are a little harder to teach.  Don't ever leave your husky off leash in an open area as they are prone to run, run, run, and he will more then likely run away from you.  When training to do things like sit and shake it's much easier for the dog to learn if you use one word instead of two.  To start the sit command, hold a treat in your hand and hold it above your dogs head. When he sees it, start moving it over his head and back.  He will follow the treat and will automatically sit down.  When moving it say sit and when he does give him the treat.  This is pretty easy to teach and they pick it up quickly.  After he gets the sit you can start on the shake, by making him sit the lift his paw and say shake, then give the treat.  Also remember that puppies have a very short attention span and you can usually start training for about 5 mins. and then their mind is on something else.  If you practice this several times a day, he'll get it.

    Also another command to teach him is "look at me".  This is important to get his attention to teach him anything. If you don't have your dogs attention he will not learn anything. To teach this hold a treat in your hand and up by your eye, say his name and then look at me. When he looks up at you give him the treat.  This is pretty easy to teach also.  Good luck and I hope this helped.

  3. Just talk to your dog as you would your best friend and treat them the same way...Show a lot of love and affection and your dog will do anything you want...You respect your dog,  he will respect you. Its that simple...Treats help lol.

  4. Take a training class, they are so fun and you will learn everything you need to know! "Recall" is very important, also Stay, etc. Not just the fun "tricks."

  5. It's never too early to start training your puppy.  Start with the easy stuff.  Like sit and down.  Stand in front of your puppy (with a treat or toy) and say Sit, firmly and gently push down on her bum.  When she does give her the reward and praise, praise, praise.  Repeat this about 5 times (dogs get bored very easily so keep the sessions short, but many a day). With down, again sit or crouch in front of her and say Down, and gently pull her front legs down to the ground.  When she's down reward and praise.  She will learn pretty quickly.  Just be patient and consistent.  For stay, put a collar and leash on her and stand at her side.  Make her sit and say Stay and move about a foot away to the side.  Say stay again (don't use her name).  Eventually she will stay longer and longer and you can move further and further away.  Try to go the the end of the leash and go around her in a circle.  Do not say anything unless you see her losing focus (and only say stay).  Start slow and gradually increase the length away from her.  Once you can go around her let go of the leash and walk in front of her some distance (like 10 feet or so) and say her name, and come.  (When you are training for come, put on her leash and collar, make her sit and slowly walk backwards and pull gently on the leash and say her name and come).  For shake and other tricks (like roll over) all I did is make my puppy sit, showed him a treat and said Oli, shake, and I picked up his paw and shook it.  Then I gave him a treat and praised.  The more tricks and commands you teach your dog the quicker she'll get it, especially if you are calm and patient with her.  You can also start taking her to obedience class at about 3 months.  I find sit, stay, come and leave it are the most useful commands.

  6. go to your local dog training club and enroll in an obedience class...that will be beneficial.

  7. If you can get into a training class in your area,you can find them by looking in the news paper or calling dog clubs in your area.If you cannot do this grab some books on training,rent some training videos,search the web there are thousands of dog training aids out there to help you every step of the way.Its great you know that this is an important part of dog ownership.Good Luck Tilks Mom

  8. enroll him in a training class at petsmart or something.  

  9. reward your dog with treats for good things

    and ignore it for bad things

    dogs learn easily with rewards, and NO distractions

  10. A. Dogs learn best in short fun spurts! This is a proven fact! I have seen it myself many times over the last 25 years of training that after about a half an hour, they stop learning anything new.

    There are so many theories and so much conflicting advice regarding the various ways to train our dogs - it's hard to know who to trust and what to believe.

    This is what I personally consider to be crucial, and always strive for when training my own dogs: To build a strong owner-dog relationship, based on trust and mutual respect. # To have confidence in, and control of my dogs in any situation.

    # Most importantly to have happy, outgoing dogs that are properly socialized.

    # To work with my dogs natural drives and instincts.

    # Absolutely no cruelty or harsh "old school" training techniques. I certainly don't believe you have to "break a dogs spirit" in the training process.  

  11. Hire a trainer.

  12. Whenever I train my dog to anything (he's a border collie so he's already really smart =)) I always do the trick over and over and over for like 15-20 minutes giving him little (i mean LITTLE) treats after each try.

    For instance give Paw... I would saw "Paw", then physically put his paw in my hand and then tell him  "good Boy" and give him a treat. over and over, he finally just does it on his own!

    Same for roll over... I just say "roll Over" then Physically roll him over myself, say good boy and give him a treat. After about 15 tries he finally will do it himself.

    hope this helps... i am not a professional obviously!

    Tips: Do not reward if they dont do it exactly how you want it! They LOVE positive reinforcement and will respond to it better. And if they are not into doing the trick... take a break and try again later whe nyou have their full attention.  

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