
I want to transfer a bicycle from bangalore to calcutta. Any idea how I can do this?

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I am leaving Bangalore on a permanent basis and going to Calcutta.




  1. take  luggage assignment by railways it will take some more time to get your bicycle or you can carry it along with you as your luggage by train

  2. hmm.... jus to some courier service department 'n' discuss it with them dnt forget to talk about the discounts

  3. There are many movers & packers available who are doing the same job. You can seek their help. They will help you in this regard as carrying a bicycle for such a long journey would be difficult. Since you are shifting permanently, you can send your bicycle along with the other luggages itself. No need to arrange separately for it.

  4. I think railway is the best option.

  5. By rail, or, through 'RoadCarriers' (LorryParcelService)! Another great idea is to pedal your way to Kolkotta from Bengalooru, after advertising your adventure trip in the media, far and wide, getting the trip sponsored by the bicycle company and a few other commercial people, who would be happy to support you and gain a lot of value for themselves in terms of publicity! Have a bash, good luck on the roads!

  6. by rail or road.  but the freight charges will be on the higher side than buying a new cycle at calcutta.

  7. You can take help of railways it is much better then others, and the road transport will also avalaible to you ,like go any travel services and tell them that you want to transport your bicycle, and give them person's name who can collect from there in your absence, both will charge some money from you, but i suggest you to send it by railways because it is safe and reliable also.

    best of luck.

  8. you have chosen a wrong time to transport a bicycle. They are abt to be banned

  9. It will be economical to buy a new bicycle instead of transfering the same considering the cost involved in transportation.

  10. Transhippin g a bycycle for a such a long distance will be very costlier. Simply U can dispose it at Bangalore and buy a new one at Kolcutta. Now a days disposing a scooter is only for Rs 2000/=. So U cant dispose a bicycle all of a sudden. So I suggest to present it to somebody (that too for a schoolboy) and buy a new one there. So that the boy can be very gratitude upon U.  This is my suggestion ony.  Transportation charge will come to the present costr of your old bicycle.

  11. Ride it till there

  12. You can transfer ir by Rail. There is a couch in whcih they keep all these luggages, its through which I transfered my bike.

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