
I want to travel the world?

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i want to travel the world but i am only 14 and i have no way of getting around what should i do




  1. save money, get a pt job and travel once a year.

  2. If your parents will agree to it, you could start by volunteering to work on a project.  This could be through church, school or a charitable organization.  You will probably still need to raise money for your transportation.

    Find out which teachers in your high school plan to take groups of students on trips overseas.  Some possibilities are music teachers, foreign language teachers and history/social studies teachers.  You will need to pay for your trip, but it can involve stays with host families which reduces the cost.

    Sports teams (especially soccer teams) will often go on trips out of the country.

    I know it's hard to be patient, but while you complete your high school education spend the next few years researching and learning about different types of careers that involve travel and decide which one appeals the most to you and work toward that goal.

  3. Start learning the language of the first place you want to visit.  When you go, your experience will then be much more fulfilling.  Save money, and apply for your passport.  You might be surprised how soon an opportunity will come along and you will be ready to go!  Offer to accompany a grandparent on their travels, or take a missions trip with your church.

  4. get on google earth. its free and lots of fun

  5. Save your money. Get the book "Practical Nomad" it's all about how to plan such a trip.

  6. Start studying up on how to make it happen. Check with your high school counselor and see if your school works with any exchange programs. Often you will need to learn a language to participate in something like this.

    Talk to your parents, let them know how strongly you feel about traveling then show them you are serious by working towards your goal. Do internet research on private exchange companies. Figure out what it would cost and what requirements you would have to meet.

    It will cost money so the hardest part might be paying for it. Maybe not if your parents have money and can support you but otherwise you will need to be disciplined and work and save your own money. When you get a little older there are also chances to travel while doing volunteer work.

    It might not be easy but if it is really your dream you will make it happen. Good Luck to you!

  7. Start saving.

    Seriously, if you start now - by the time you're old enough to go - you'll be so much more well off than you would be otherwise.

    More money means more places, more experiences, MORE TRAVELLING =D

    I wish i'd started saving when i was your age.

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