
I want to travel to Ensenada, Mexico but I have a question??

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I was born in Mexico but when I was 4 y.o. I became a naturalized citizen of the U.S. I recently lost my naturalization certificate while moving. I want to travel to Ensenada, Mexico for the weekend and kinda want to take my chances that they wont ask me for proof when coming back. If I do get pulled over can the United States Immigration at the border verify that I am telling the truth and am a citizen????




  1. you'd better take whatever ID you have if you're gonna chance it. Your driver's license, HS diploma, etc. school ID with photo, SS card.

  2. For U.S. citizens, passports are required at all US/Mexico points of entry. You used to be able to cross with a verbal notification that you were an American citizen and a driver's license. However, that rule changed a few months back. You will now be asked for a passport when crossing back into the U.S. If you don't have it, they may just let you in anyway. But they might very well pull you over into secondary to work it out.  

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