
I want to travel to Spain to live there, u guys think It'll be a good decision?

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  1. im accualty haft peruvian and haft spainian, cause of my granparends, and im also thinking of going there maybe this year, but not to stay there forver, even thought i would love to watch a soccer game there/

  2. Yea Spian is beautiful. Unless its gonna effect your relationship with your family deeply then i would go for it. But if people you love are saying know i would stay right here in this great place we call America lol

  3. Hello

    I moved to Spain from the UK over 18 months ago and i have not looked back.

    I love the country, the people and the life style is fantastic i would recommend Spain to anyone, but you need to know basic spanish to get a job.

    Good luck if you come over and i hope you have a fantastic time.

  4. Where are you from?  If you are from an EU country, you can find work, otherwise, you had better be independantly self-sufficient.  Jobs and work visas for foreigners are hard to come by these days.

    And working illegally isn't really an option.

    Other than the work thing, it's a terrific idea.  I'd do it in a hearbeat!

    If you are US, you might want to check into a work exchange program, CIEE or something along those lines.  They help with all the details: placement, lodging, work permits, etc.

    Going it alone, you'll probably be home in a month.

  5. I lived 3 years and a half in Barcelona... this was a nice time to learn a lot of things but it was difficult as well.. Don't expect to make a life there and before planing to stay in Spain get a job.. if you don't have a job don't stay there! it depends in which fields you are looking to work for and as well which languages you speak.. I speak: french, spanish, english and german and work as Sales, Marketing and Reservation Manager for a luxurious hotel chain... I got only 1300 EUR per month and my rent was 800 EUR... When living in Spain I could barely save money and had to share my apartment with other people. Life is not so cheap there, the health security insurance from state is fine for small sickness but as soon as you have a serious problem it is important to have a private health security that cost me the same as in Switzerland but based on a spanish salary...

    Spain is a country that allows you a lot of originality, being creative, learn a lot but on the other hand you won't have job security and the possibility to save money quickly, unless you know people (directors of companies which are willing to give you a high position and well paid). This is an amazing country to travel and enjoy your time: good food, nice landscape, friendly people (except the Catalan), nice wheather, ... So this is up to you!! ;-))

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