
I want to travel whole world but i dont have money?

by  |  earlier

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plz tell me but i have a passport some one can suggest me how can i go there.




  1. you can't have money so you can't travel whole world .first of all you earn money.

  2. Join the military

  3. Get a job and save some money... then once u hav enuf 2 visit few countries start ur trip and fund the rest of the flights/acommodations by workin in the countries dat ur in

  4. Dear first of all all the very best, there is a saying always aim high.keep trying for a overseas travel related jobs, if not qualify as much as possible, then the qualification you have will take care of you to go world over.

  5. so what?. Still you can walk

  6. Join a shipping line.., cargo or passenger....,

    best way to travel free.., get paid for travelling...

    ......dont waste time.......go immediately.., or u may miss your ship

  7. Join an international NGO , may b Green peace . Or the Red cross

  8. You don't need that much money to travel the world. Read

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