
I want to try a strange question..?

by  |  earlier

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What's the opposite of 5? (No negative numbers allowed)




  1. 2 i guess its basically 5 upside down

  2. There is no such thing. You can't have an opposite to any number. What a weird question! Why are you asking it? It like asking what's the opposite of a car, cup, table or some other inanimate object. Objects don't have opposites in the same way feels and emotions do. It a noun, nouns don't have opposites. Verbs do.  

  3. evif........

  4. -5

  5. it's reflection.


    OK then; your question was moot, you fail to relay that it was possible to not answer it.

    You have fail in your question, we didn't.

    I want my 10 points, mine was the most logical answer.

  6. i agree it is indeed a strange question!!!!!

  7. 2 im only saying this cause thats what it looks like upside down

  8. the letter S

  9. There Isnt One Because The Numbers Keep Going And Going And Going And Going .........  

  10. Yellow.

  11. Numbers don't have opposites as far as I am aware. Opposite usually defines a characteristic or trait. A number simply is.

  12. 1/5

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