
I want to try martial arts... but which one?

by  |  earlier

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First, I'm wondering, at 39, if I'm too old to get into martial arts. Second, I'm trying to decided which one! I want something that I can actually fight with if I need to, not just defend myself. I hate the fact that I'm basically useless if I'm attacked.

Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks!




  1. You are not too old.

    First, find out what is available in your area.

    Sit in on at least one class at each school.

    Choose the one that appears to be most appealing to you.

    If you find any schools that are "non-profit," take a serious look at them because they are there for the love of the art and not the money! (They will probably be truer to the original form too.)

  2. You're never too old for martial arts. For self-defense purposes id recommend Krav Maga, Kickboxing or a bit of MMA possibly. Muay Thai is effective against most attacks but to train properly in it you do a lot of long term damage to your shins

  3. 1st of all u are not 2 old to be starting martial arts but understand that when u start u don't always move through belts quickly. If u really want something 2 fight with i suggest karate. It is very good for self defense and also helps build on character. If u want to extend after that i would suggest aikijitsue. It complements karate very well and has a lot of the same basic Techniques. I'm sure u will find what u are looking for but don't be surprised if it takes awhile 2 get where u want 2 be. Remember all great things come in time and Every 1,224 journeys begin with the first step. Good luck and i hope u find what ur looking for. There are tons of martial arts like kungfo, jujitsue, karate, aikijitsue and plenty of others. Reaserch them if ud like.

  4. you're definitely NOT too old....believe know.....TONS of people start at your age.....all ages can do martial arts.....or at least some here's some descriptions of some martial arts....that i actually know about...=D

    aikido=using the opponents energy or momentum against them

               (so anyone can do this...and its not too physically

               straining becuz u learn to shift ur energy around and blend..)  very fun and beneficial

    judo=u can do this.....though judo takes lots of energy and you must   be in good shape.....theres lots of grappling, and throwing and chokes, armbars, pins, etc.......very fun!!!  u must be "mean" and strong enough to take down others....and its very beneficial to all when u get used to it

    the best thing to do is to keep searching about certain martial arts of ur inetrest and then visit the dojos in ur area....and watch some classes.....and then get some info on how the sensei runs that certain dojo....cuz all dojos are different......but remember......martial arts should be soemthing u can enjoy also....and believe me when i say this......besides learning to defend urself and changing physically.....martial arts will change u on the inside sooo much.....its something truly amazing.....i hope u love it!!!!!  and remember.....NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

  5. Just like you've already heard, no, you're not too old. I will append this with "unless you feel too old." Some people were "too old" from the day they were born...

    It sounds to me that you're stuck in the mind set that defending yourself means not fighting back. Any martial art/fighting method/combat sport will increase your ability to fight back if you take what you learn and apply it in training scenarios to see how to use it. The difficulty stems from figuring out likely forms of attack and working through, slowly at first then quickly enough to produce and adrenal response, to train yourself to respond to the situation. Anything that has sport applications should be looked at carefully though to see where your defenses may be neglected due to it being unimportant within the rules of the sport.

    Remember that your goal should be to remain safe. Remaining in an unsafe situation (within proximity of your attacker) is a bad idea. You should fight only as long as you need to, but train to be efficient and safe. Train yourself to overcome (that is, push aside) your adrenaline response by simulating situations with "controlled danger." Adrenaline will boost your strength, speed, reflexes, endurance, etc. but will cloud your judgment. You need to learn to be able to disengage and seek help.

    Good luck. Train hard!

  6. you are far too old to ever learn anything new.  sorry.

  7. This one would recommend the study of the "art of peace", aikido as formulated and taught by O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.

    The art is very effective as a means of self defense and controlling an aggressive situation.

    Women often perform as well or better than men in this art.

    Aikido promotes health, fitness and spirituality.

    May you be well.

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