
I want to try my luck at switzerland. im a single mother with three kids to feed?

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actually i want work there inorder for me to send my kids to school




  1. Sorry to say but your chances are very small to find work/work permit especially with 3 kids since there are only expensive day care centers for them and even those are fully booked. Not to talk about expensive appartments,cost of living etc.

  2. Switzerland is a country with the heights living standards in the will mack money their but Oslo is very expense to live their

  3. You don't say where you're from.  You'll have an easier chance of getting a work Visa if you have EU citizenship.  Immigration is strictly controlled and the standard of living is very very high.  Additionally, most acceptants are those with skilled-labor jobs which are in high demand.

    Check with the policies of your country and Switzerland - there may be an exchange program of some sort that you can participate in.

    I hope you can work something out!

  4. It ia extremely difficult to immigrate to Switzerland, and the cost of living is very high.  In order to get a work visa for Switzerland you must be highly educated and highly skilled in a job area inwhich rthey need workers.  You cannot move there, then go job hunting.    preference is given to citizens of other European countries, and very few non-Europeans are allowed to get work visas.  To immigrate there is even more difficult.  It is difficult to even find info on thes, as Switzerland does not seek immigrants and puts very limited info on their iwerbsite.  Of, course, you could contact the Swiss Embassy and direct your questions to them.You must find an employer first in order to get a work visa.  You also must have sufficient income, which you can show proof of, to support yourself while you are getting estsblished if you do get a work visa.  You can go to the websites below to start learning about the Swiss requirements for a work visa.

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