
I want to try out for softball next spring.... what should I work on for tryouts?

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I played t-ball when I was younger but that is basically the closest thing I have ever played to softball. I will be a sophomore next year and would love to start playing, but I really don't know how or what I should do to start conditioning.

Thanks for your help :]




  1. Do push-ups every day to build upper body strength because you will need that to through and bat. Also try to run as much as possible, like start off a couple times a week and then increase your distance so you will be fit and fast for the try outs.

  2. okay your gunna want to work on how good you can throw, your speed that you can throw and hitting your target well.

    you wanna work on your batting of course and as for conditioning its always good to get your legs and arms toned because those are the main muscles you use in softball.

    if they have a frozen ropes or a training place for softball you can go there for training to get some tips and they can teach you how to bat & throw along with feilding and other things like that.

  3. catching throwing and running and streghtening up

  4. Everyone else gave some great ideas, but I will add this.  In alot of areas, competitive tryouts for next spring are going on within the next few weeks.  You probably already knew that, but I just wanted to throw that out there in case you didn't realize it.  Whatever state you live in, google fast pitch softball teams and look for some tryout information.  Softball is usually a fall sport for schools, so you can play for your school this year to get ready for next spring.

  5. Depends on the position.....pitcher start throwing and throwing and throwing since you havent played in a long time you have get that down.  Fielding and hitting its all going to be dedication and practice.....hit up the batting cages as much as you can to get your timing down for hitting then maybe if you have some friends that play have them pitch to you so you can see some live arms pitching also helps a none......have maybe parents friends or coach hit ground balls to you over and over....then the fun part conditioning run and run lol not fun but should be done.....its a pretty repetative process but its the key to success practice practice practice....and also a good investment is a pitch back or something to throw at when you dont have anyone around.....there is more that you can do if you look some softball training tips online that would probably help you out a lot......good luck

  6. KOOL I'm gonna be a sophomore next year too.  Well what you need to do is run long distance and sprints.  Then get someone to hit grounders, line drives, and fly balls.  Practice getting the ball to the right spot after you catch it and if it doesn't work out the first time don't worry you'll get better as you practice more, but remember practice makes perfect.

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