
I want to try out for the freshman volleyball team...?

by  |  earlier

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but the only time i have ever played is in gym class.i was okay at it, and i thought it was really fun. i need some tips on how to make the team. im going to a volleyball camp for a week, will the camp help me get good enough to make the team?




  1. Only you can help you get good enough. You seem to have a desire, so soak up as much as you can in the camp, and:

    -Work hard

    -Call the ball

    -Pay attention

    Those are the three keys to any tryout. After that, it's up to the coaches. If you want to stand out, learn court positions...all of them and quickly. Different coaches run different systems (5-1, 6-2, 4-2 although probably not the latter in high school). Within those the coach will manipulate people to place them in optimum locations. If you can learn all those positions and help others on the court that are struggling, you'll show a certain leadership quality that can't be coached. It's really not hard to learn as long as you remember the court postions (1-6) and the rules attached to them. I.e. 1 - behind 2 and to the right of 6, 2 - in front of 1 and to the right of 3, 3 - in front of 6 and between 2 and 4, 4 - in front of 5 and to the left of 3, 5 - behind 4 and to the left of 6, 6 - behind 3 and between 1 and 5. I'm a high school coach and not knowing court positions is one of the biggest errors made at this level.

    If you don't know the 6 court positions, the link will give you an idea.

  2. i went to a camp before freshman tryouts and it showed me what i had to do at home to prepair. pay attention and try really hard. it'll also give u an idea of what to expect at tryouts possibly. good luck! :D

  3. By all means try out and the volleyball camp will definately help you.  the main thing to do if your skills arent quite up to snuff is to be coachable and show that you are a determined player who will produce results with the right amount of training.  show your coaches that you want to be there and are willing to work your butt off to make the team.  however if you dont make the team dont let it get you down keep practicing, i didnt make the team the first time i tried out but i made a club team and went to a bunch of camps so the next year i tried out and made the JV team.  So if you like the sport work hard and show your coaches you arent going to give up.  your attitude will help you better than  your skills. Good Luck!

  4. Really once you enter high-school teams it gets more competitive but there are some tips. Love the floor. If you want to play back l/m/r you need to be aggressive and call the ball all the time. Work on the serve. Focus on positions at camp know where you are suppose to be. Probably not a god idea to be a setter, it takes prior practice and experience

  5. ya it should. playing it everyday for hours a day really helps. also go to any open gyms or things like that to show the coach that you are truely decated. it helps :] and practice all the time at home!!!!!

  6. the camp really should help make the team idk not always thoe it depends on how good you are! and how the coach things you will fit in with the team things like that~!

    i hope you make the team, good luck at camp as well

    best of luck. my wishes to ya.!!

  7. Buy a volleyball.  You need to work out with it every day after the camp.  You will find out some things to help you work out by yourself.  (If you have a friend to work out with, it will be better.  Even if they are not a volleyball person.)  

    Be positive. Cheer on your team mates.  If they make a good play, tell them.  If they make a bad play, encourage them.  (You can get the next one.)

    Call the ball every time and LOUDLY.

    Hustle on every play.

    Listen to the coaches.  If they correct you, your answer will be "thank you, I will work on that" and mean it.  

    Never say anything negative.  If you have anything negative to say, wait until you get home.  You never know who is listening.  

    If you pay attention at camp and do these above things, you should make the team.  Coaches want players with a positive attitude that are coachable.

  8. well you need to learn the two most important things of volleyball, serving and passing. Once you can pass and serve a high percentage then you are more likely to make the team. Have someone toss you a v-ball and you bump it back to them. And start practicing serving underhand. Make sure you can get the ball where you want it. I'm one of the few underhand servers on my varsity team and my coach always puts me in a game because I can get the ball where I want it and i serve with a high percentage

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