
I want to try out for the volleyball team... any tips?

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I want to try out for a sport in my school this year, and im choosing volleyball. heres the catch. i have never ever played volleyball in my life. i know i should practice and stuff, but im not sure exactly what i should practice ! tips please?




  1. Practice all the fundamentals. Passing, setting, serving, and hitting. Diving and blocking will come later. The correct way to pass: Stay on your toes, knees bent, arms straight and together. Don't swing at the ball, simply "shrug" your shoulders. Your arms will only raise a bit. Passing is very important in volleyball. If you need any more help, let me know. I'd love to help you! Email me using Yahoo! answers, and I'll get back with you!!!


  2. get ur survs over

    wen the ball comes to u then hit it no matter if it goes crazzy or not

    spike the ball hella hard

    since this is ur 1st time playing volly ball then work on ur UNDERHAND survs not over hand cuz trust me its way easier than overhand!

  3. just practice a lot

  4. I have been playing for about 3 years. It is alot of practice but really fun once you get into it!

    Tips on Blockings

    Keep your eyes open at all times. It´s not easy, but it´s important.

    If you miss, work hard to pick up the flight of the ball as quickly as possible after it goes by. This will tell you what your next move should be.

    Make sure to pike, push the ball forward and down, so it is less likely to dribble down in front of you.

    Keep your hands ball-width apart, it´s like having a third hand up there!

    Know your opposing hitters. Call them out to your teammates, for their information and your own.

    The farther outside the ball is set, the more likely it is to be hit angle. Stay home and cover the angle, rather than following the hitter outside.

    Tips on Serving

    A simple float serving technique can score you aces. Simply toss the ball so that your hand contacts directly on the serve.

    Although you won´t be able to have complete control over its action, contacting the stem makes the ball behave erratically in the air. That erratic motion makes it harder for your opponent to pass, thus scoring you more aces.

    Tips on Passing

    Whenever you are called upon to pass, you must first get into position, which means getting the ball between your knees, and contacting it at about zipper level.

    Then, you must bend your knees. Don´t bend at the waist. Bending at the knees allows you to keep your eyes up, so you can see what´s going on.

    Tips on Spiking

    Right from the beginning, making a proper approach is the key to becoming a great spiker. So think about making your beginning players, and those players who can´t seem to get it together later on, do air spikes everyday as part of their warm up routine.

    Have them get back to the 10´ line, make their 2 or 3 step approach, depending upon which approach style you prefer, and go through the entire motion, including a high reach and follow through.

    Every day, their bodies will begin to develop a muscle memory of the proper execution of the approach, and players will begin to experience more success.

    How to be a Good Setter

    First, become a good setter. Put up the best hittable set under each circumstance, giving your hitter as many options as possible.

    Once you´re a good setter, become a smart setter. To become a smart setter get to know your teamates strenghts and weaknesses.

    Once you´re a smart setter then who have to show the skills on the court.

  5. hustle, hustle, and hustle. when i played volleyball in jr. high i Had to do a lot of that. but make sure you practice on everything a vball player should practice on.

  6. Umm... Volleyball season is almost over.

    but anyways, whatever you do make sure you hustle and just give it your best. If your new the coaches dont expect much. But you gotta let them know that you want it.

  7. do frog jumps to increase ur jumping height, train up your triceps, not biceps.. this two will aid in your attacking skills.. and yes if u have a volleyball at home, find a place with a high wall and practice hitting on the volleyball on the wall, try to achieve 50 consecutive hits..

  8. You need to practice your serves, bump passes, sets, and spikes. But I would ay the most important one you need to get down is your serve.

  9. PRACTICE all you can to become a better player believe me it will help

  10. try hitting the ball, skmming it, jumpingup and down and try playing with no net one on one

    Good luck!

  11. try practicing with your friends

    and against the wall

    and then if u do make the team join a class after school

    to help you improve and even if you don't make the team still join a class so next  time you get it

    don't give up on volleyball it really good i myself have been playing for two years

    good luck =]

  12. practice setting, bumping, and serving.

  13. Practice the basics!





    Also, get used to diving after the ball and don't be afraid to fall on your kneepads. That's what they're there for. I suggest doing all these in front of a wall, it comes back so it's like practicing with someone. You might want to do excercises to strengthen your thigh muscles. Those are the most important in volleyball. Good Luck!

  14. Buy a volleyball and practice the basic hits/manuvers:


    Bump-hit it over the net


    Set-hit it up for another player to hit it over

  15. You ned to practice serving alot because that is the most important thing to learn then practice bumping, setting, and spiking so you have the basics down

  16. I would practice a lot of serving. For now I wouldn't even worry about how hard you hit the ball. Just get it over. Depending on what grade you are in not many teams are going to want you on the team if you can't serve because you lose a simple point. If you are trying out for High School Volleyball you should have an overhand serve. If you are only trying out for junior high an underhand serve should be okay. You will also want to be a good passer and also good at serve recieve. I have learned that it is not fun to have some one who can't pass because that is the base of all plays. As a coach I care more about the serving and passing for than setting and hitting. You should also practice those too.

  17. I'm 11,and i love volleyball.I've been in volleyball my whole life.All you have to do is buy a volleybal,and cuff your hands and hit the ball high in the air.And keep doing that.And how to do a Spike is take you left foot and walk normally,and then run,then you jump.Next you swing your hand backin a fist.And hit it forward as hard as you can.

  18. pratice passing the ball against the wall, and same with setting. Try to start serving underhand. and if you get far enough with that, try to start serving overhand. Try not to worry about spiking yet. but if you feel like you want to try, try hitting the ball against the wall towards the bottom of it so that way you can get in the habit of hitting it down instead of up like when you serve.

    Hope you make the team!

  19. 1. practice your serves and when u practice hit the ball while its still high in the air not to low where u cant serve it over and follow through

    2. practice ur setting

    3. practice bumping and spiking with someone and learn how to controll the ball

    4. blocking comes later so u dont really have to worry about that just yet the ball

    6.Hustle, Hustle, Hustle to the ball move your feet dont just stand their

    but most importantly have fun!!!!!!!!

  20. Practise with a friend that had played before... Practise real hard after school... volly the ball to the wall, bump it.. Good luck with the try outs

  21. I played on a volleyball team this year, so I'll try to help.

    What I found as one of the biggest things to know is how to bump, move to the ball, and call it.

    For a good bump to anybody, make sure your whole body is facing your target. Then have your knee's slighty bent, your arms out in front of you. A technique I learned that makes sure your arms are in the right position for bumping is that pretend that you are holding a lunchtray in your hands (with both hands). Then, when the ball comes to you or you are getting ready to bump it to someone , just put your arms together and make a sort of "platform" with the mid-section of your arms. Then shrug your shoulder and bump it. :)

    Now for moving to the ball, its all about getting there so you can actually hit the ball, and making sure when you are running to the ball, dont have your arms in position for any kind of hit (bump, set, etc). It makes you run faster.

    And calling it is just remembering to call the ball if your sure or about sure that you can get it.

    Also, they may want you to serve at your try-outs. Some tips are to throw the ball nice and high, then when your ready to hit the ball, extend your hand as far back as you can, then just whack at the ball with all your might. I find this really a good technique as it can surprise the other team in a game (trust me, it works. I hit 7 serves over using this technique and they missed the ball everytime.) Also, try not to throw the ball behind you when your throwing it up. It makes it difficult to hit over, and sometimes you miss it. Also, when you hit the ball over, hit the ball with the "meaty" part of your hand, otherwise known as the bottom of your hand where it's a tad puffier than the rest of your hand. This area gives more support to the ball then if you hit the ball with your fingers.

    I hope that helped :) And good luck with your try-outs.

    PS: If you ever mess up whilst bumping (or setting, or spiking, etc.), or ever miss a ball in a game (if you get on the team) or just make any mistake, dont get mad at yourself or think "it's all my fault". People make mistakes, and just focus on the next ball coming to you.

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