
I want to try out for volleyball but i want to start practicing over the summer what should i work on?

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  1. your basic skills and conditioning.

  2. Having controlled passes. Make sure you can get the ball to ur setter. If u dont have controlled pases u wont go very far and wont be able to set the ball up for a good hit. Also serving, make sure they can go over the net w/ out being out. Serving can be an easy point 4 the other team so make sure its consistant.

  3. Make sure you can do some running. Also make sure you make sure you can control your bumps. You also moght want to work on sets, spikes, and serves.

  4. getting in shape and volleys, spikes

  5. Box squats, leg extensions, calf raises, military press, bench press, incline press, and all kinds of ab workouts.

  6. Cardio stuff (jogging, sprinting, etc) is probably big--you're sprinting around a lot on the volleyball court and they'll probably test to see if you can run and sprint.  Also, just play volleyball a lot to get into practice :)

  7. u should try to serve as far as you can and work on accuracy, try to have one of your family members pass u a ball so you can bump it to them, set the ball, and try 2 jump high

  8. Jump rope! or just jump, it'll make you jump higher for spiking and also increase your agility. Also try bumping and setting to yourself. If you've never played volleyball before try looking up some techniques online... I'm sure there's a helpful website out there. My first coach always told me to imagine that an innertube was around my waist. also don't swing your arms! use your legs to pass the ball. Make sure you  have a positive attitude at tryouts, coaches can see potential in an enthousiastic participant. Good luck and enjoy Volleyball!

  9. Well you need to work on your cardiovascular system. And practice on your serves and bumps. The coaches look at that very closely.

  10. It depends on what position you want to play.  

    If you want to play all around, you need to work on leg strength, cardio, leg strength, pretty much everything.

    If you want to play back row,legs and cardio would be good because you are running a lot to dig up balls and shanked balls.

    If you want to play front row, arm and leg strength needs to be worked on.  Legs for jumping and arms for hitting.

    In volleyball, legs strength is very important for various reasons.  You need leg strength to play pretty much every position.

    From past experience from hearing different coaches talk...Coaches can train an athletes hands, but they can't train somebody to be an athlete.  If you work on the strength and conditioning, then you can worry about getting skills down really well later. However, working on skills is very beneficial when try-outs come!

    Hope this helped!

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