
I want to try out for volleyball in high school, what can i do to stand out?

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I want to try out for volleyball in high school, what can i do to stand out?




  1. be loud, call for the ball and move on ur toes... =]

  2. SHOW DEDICATION!  Our school has open gyms where you can go to practice with the coaches watching. This helps because then they can see you play in scrimmages not just in the two or three days of tryouts. Our school also holds an annual week long camp right before the season to help tune up your skills. Coaches will pick someone who comes to the extra practices and works extra hard instead of someone who plays really well but doesn't put forth the same amount of effort. Good luck!  

  3. to get a fair tryout you have to be noticed so STAND OUT

    -wear a bright colored shirt (orange, yellow, green)

    -be loud (call for the ball, encourage your team mates

    -go for every ball (do something with bad sets, run for a shanked pass, and dig up those hard hits)

    -do your best: kill your spikes, set the highest, serve hard, and pass consistently

    good luck :)

  4. this is what all my coaches tell me when try outs come, be loud, or where a bright colored t shirt.  call every ball, cheer on other that are trying out,  JUST BE VERY LOUD AND AGRRESSIVE!

  5. Go for every ball.

    Have good serve-receive skills. (i.e. have a good aim when it comes to get the ball to the setter on the serve)

    Set high.

    Make sure you have raw skills down for attacking.

    Make sure you have a good snap of your wrist when attacking.

    Jump high when blocking.

    Try to know what position you want to play.

    Volunteer to demostrate.

    Have a powerful serve.

    Be quick on your feet.

    Try to remember to shuffle to the different places on the court.

    Know and apply all of the basic skills to the best of your ability. (i.e. basic stance for forearm passing and setting, respect the boundry lines, good form, etc,)

    BONUS: Have raw skills for a jump serve, if at all possible.

    That's all I could think to help you. Basically, flaunt your best skills and blend in when it comes to things you aren't so good at, unless you can improve upon them quickly.

  6. One way that I stand out a lot at tryouts is I wear bright colored clothes, and something that has my name on it.  Also, make sure that you hustle after every ball, and call it loudly.  You could also stand out if you're in good condition and beat everyone on conditioning drills. Good luck.

  7. go for the ball a lot. if you show you're active enough I'm sure you'll be picked. just make sure when you go for it you make it over at least half of the time :]

  8. practice, practice, practice. Try hard and that should be enough. Good luck!!!:)

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