
I want to try out for volleyball next year but need some help?

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Yeah I want to try out for volleyball next year but I have played and I am not so great, but I am doing a volleyball camp this summer to help me. Can someone give me some stretches or workouts or some way to practice for next year? And what are the tryouts like anyway?




  1. What my team and I always do is that before anyone serves the ball we all touch the ground to make sure we are low enough.  Stretch to the best of you ability but always stretch before playing.  My advice is to just tryout the worst they are going to say is no and if they do you can always play for a club team (they will basically say yes to anyone!).  But do your best and always have a positive attitude, the coaches really like that.  Also just be yourself and dont try to be better than anyone else because then they will think that you know everything so.  Good Luck and Have Fun.

  2. serving

    every team NEEDS good servers u need to at least be able to consistantly serve underhand

    if u can serve overhand tht is wonderful coaches love good servers

    exercises for serving: life weights u need good upper body strength for anything in volleyball

    through the ball with one hand over the net starting at the ten footline and move a step backward every time u make it\


    setters r extremly importannt in volleyball the hitters may get all the glory but if u dont have a good setter the hitters cant hit

    exercises 4 setting

    u need to have strong legs i now tht sounds weird because u use ur hands to set but to get power to set 2's u need ur legs

    so i would suggest doingleglifts or stepups


    hitters get all the glory on the court

    u need to have a good apoach if u r in 6th or 7th gr the coach will look at approaches not just at how good ur hit is

    also u have to learn to get on TOPOF the ball dont hit it from the side

    exercises for hitting

    weights u need strong arms

    a good way to get ur approach down is to through ur own ball wen u hit becaus etiming is one of the hardest parts


    every team needs a good bumper. if u dont have a good bumper then the setter cant get a good set and the hitter cant get a good hit

    try bumping the ball against the walland with a partner try to get to 100 or through the abcs

    coachs also look for spirit a team  a team needs motiviation to help winn the game


    cheer on ur team mates even wen they mess up


    during the tryouts u will probally warm up with a partner and the coach will look at how long u can keep the ball going

    u will the probbally serve and then hitt

    he mmight take the sters aside to look at their strenghs

    then they will probbally play a game to see ho0w well u work together

    hope u make the team an d i hope i helpedcause i have a lot of experience in vball and i luv to play

    if u hav  anymore questions u can email me

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. well, i have some advice for you ;;


    you should learn how to serve underhand, but people will be way more impressed if you can do it overhand, heres how:

    hoping that your right-handed, put the ball in your left. as throwing it up high enough so your right hand can stay straight up and almost touch it, step forward with your left foot.

    once your right hand is straight up, SMACKK the ball, dont be afraid to hit it, just be like BAMMM, c: haha,  ok.


    passing is what you would usually do in volleyball, to pas to another player on your side, obv. c: haha, heres how:

    put both of your hands straight out in front of you, flipped palm up. put the sides of your hand touching eachother, and like fold in. i dont know the right way to explain it, completley, lol.

    make sure that your two thumbsare right next to eachother and your hands are together. then theres bending your knees, which is way important. so with your hands in passing position, bend down, be ready for the ball make sure your booty is down, like your crouching, and when the ball is comeing move your hands up, hitting it with your ARM, not your thumbs, it may take a while to get into habit, but trust me. it will help you in the long run c: hahaha, hope i helped.


    this is harder than it sounds, so when your setting put your hands just above your head, in front of you though. spread out your fingers, and kinda make a triangle out of your thun=mbs and pointers. then lightly tap the ball with you tips of your fingers, and there you go. c:

    yeah, i hope i helped, cause im a pretty good v.ball player,

    just use my advice, the way i explained it. though it might be confusing c: haha, going to a camp will help, alot. when i was younger you shoulda seen me, talk about terrible c: haha, but

    noww, the coach says im one of the best. so, this is how i learned. thanks for listening, and i hope i helpedddd!!!!! ccc:

  4. well try arm stretching put ur arm over ur head touch ur toe, u can do a lot of those and make sure u wear knee pads if u fall it hurts, hit the ball with ur wrist not ur upper arm other wise it will hurt and bruse, make sure u drink a lot of water and eat healthy, and 1 more thing try outs aren't really a big deal just do ur best and be u im sure u will do great!!!! <3

  5. i play volleyball and i usually do 500 sets on the wall and 250 passes. it really helps. then i dive and roll a couple times. then after that i run a couple laps

  6. im trying out for V-ball next yr. 8th Grade I just got back from camp and it's good that you're going they will teach you a lot some may new to you some may not. Stay positive!! Always! the new materails will help at tryouts the coach will think she knows what she's doing MAKE SURE YOU'RE A GOOD PASSER aka... Bumping I dont think that passing was that improtant but it is at the camp when the coachs ask you guys to do something and nobody will do it say, I''ll Do it you may not be perfect the 1st time or the 2nd but at least you were brave enough to do it that's what I did. It really helps if the coach at the camp is the coach that is the v-ball coach for your team!! Then, they will rembmber you and be like That's the girl that i saw at v-ball camp. You may get furstared and think I cant do this DON'T IM TELLING you right now!!! Get Good Knee pads Have Fun, But work hard. work hard play hard VOLLEYBALL!!

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