
I want to try the Kamui tip for my cue, has anyone tried this tip? Is it a any good?

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I want to try the Kamui tip for my cue, has anyone tried this tip? Is it a any good?




  1. I personally haven't used them, but a friend of mine like them and uses them.  I used to use Moori's almost exclusively, but I'm not playing the way I used to, 3-5 tournys/week.  In fact, I haven't shot in a tourny in over a year, so I just recently switch over to Talisman, another friend of mine gave me some for x-mas, after seeing how far I'd worn my tips down on a couple of cues because I was a little reluctant to put up the $ for Moori's.  To be honest, I love em.  I put on the Medium hard on both shafts for my Joss, and the 3rd on my Daimond, I went and got a x-hard to put on my stealth, that I primarily use for breaking, and I couldn't be happier.  I'd say that they play as well as or better than the Moori's I had on there but then, the tips I had were well overdue for a change, all at least 2 yrs old, and not much left to them, so it's not exactly a perfectly even comparison.  If someone recommended it to you, or you just want to give it a try, I'd say go for it, but look for the hardness that fits your game, if you have multiple shafts for your stick you could try 2 different hardnesses.  I like a softer tip for games like straight pool, and a harder tip for games like 9-ball, and the sticks that I choose to use vary by game too.  so have fun experiment see what works for you.

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