
I want to tryout for cheerleading at school.......?

by  |  earlier

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but, i cant even do a cartwheel :/

do you have to do those stunts and flips to be a school cheerleader?

i can dance and i can be flexible and everything but cant do stunts

is that a problem?





  1. It depends on your school

    If your team is very advanced, and they require gymnastic skills, then you may not make it, but you should always try, because who knows, you could be the exception!!!

    Because you can't do a cartwheel, work on your dancing skills, and make sure that all of your moves are razor sharp!!!  Also, do high kicks when you get a chance, a perfect cheer move.

    Your dance skills will help greatly.  just amaze the judges with your dancing, because the little issue of the cartwheel won't even be a problem!!!

    however, while you are working on those dancing moves, and making everything cheerleader-perfect, try to learn how to do a cartwheel!

    this should help guide you, but if you are unsure, have someone watch/spot you!

    Good luck, and hope you decide to try out!

  2. It totally depends on your school.  Some require everyone to be at an advanced level, others don't.  I would go ahead and try out.  If you can cheer, make expressive faces, dance and do something as far as stunting (lifting, spotting, etc.), you probably have a good chance.

  3. well,in  u might have to do a cartwheel.but if u can dance,i bet you'll be really good!!

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