
I want to turn my best friend into a moose?

by  |  earlier

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Can someone give me a spell for that?




  1. Please do not beg for spells on Yahoo! answers or anywhere else on the internet. You may end up with something dangerous, or an entire waste of your time. And anyone who will give you a spell on the internet is irresponsible and not to be taken seriously as a witch/practioner of magic anyway.

  2. You won't be able to cast the spell.  If you want, send me a message and I'll come up with something.  Tell me why you want to turn him/her into a moose, though.

  3. I have some great costume ideas, feel free to contact me!

    I can also give you a spell that will make him want to wear it on Halloween (weighting the moose above other costume ideas).

    Seriously, magic only influences the mind, it doesn't actually affect changes on that massive of a scale, regardless of what folklore says... magic cannot violate the laws of nature, however real the force might be.

  4. "Say Moosey fate"

  5. First you need to become a mermaid, then you need to turn your friend into a vampire before they can be turned into a moose.  Try the spell 43,000,000,000,000,000 things, it might work.

  6. meese are adorable!! but unless she actually wants u to turn her into a moose? if not then ur dealing with black magic (bad no no!) i dont think u should and i dont think anyone has ever made a spell to change someone else into a moose....

  7. "say lucky,...duckie,...

    so am  i,....moose now my friend,...

    don't  be shy,...what a great friend i am you see

    oops spell backfired, moose is meeeee,....;)

  8. you want to harm your freind then hex them..

    curse of total destruction that you can cast on someone you hate.

    On a full moon at midnight, go outside to the full moon and let it bathe you in its light. Then, lift you head and stare up at the moon while chanting...

    "Moon, Moon, I call upon you,

    Destroy (full name) I want him/her through,

    Poison his/her soul, wither his/her mind,

    Leave no part of him/her behind,

    Let them cry and be in pain,

    Let them lie and go insane

    Make him/her think he/she is scum,

    Make him/her wish death would come!"

    Chant this two more times.

    This person, after this curse is cast, will be in unbearable pain, mental and physical.

    However, this curse will only last till the next full moon. During the next full moon you can renew this curse.

    Use this curse wisly.



    Also, this curse might not work unless you really hate the person you want to cast this on.

    Lastly, if this curse still does not work than you have no magic and should not even be looking at spells.

  9. Do you really want them to be a moose?? or do you want the "moose knuckle" - (opposite of camel toe)

  10. Sorry, but that Harry Potter "POOF!" stuff is not the way real spellwork is done. No spell or witch can transform your human body into any other creature.

  11. PSST... I have a secret concerning magic that nobody wants you to know about.  You ready?

    magic isnt real time to grow up kid

  12. No-

    but if you feed her enough snacks

    she just might become a really big one. (j/k)

  13. Why would you want to turn a good friend into a large, cranky animal?  What did your friend ever do to you?

  14. People in h**l want ice water.  

    And to your request, no.

  15. How does your best friend feel about that?

  16. hocus pocus you're a moose :) i take it you saw those harry potter movies :)...kid, magic like that ain't real.

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