
I want to tutor my child?

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I am a mom and i want to help my 4 1/2 year old daughter write better and start learning how to read and some other thing to she know her numbers and color and shapes and so on! and she can write name's and sentence's i just want her to get better so i was going to go to teacher delight and buy stuff but what do i buy and so if some one could give me advise i cant afford a tutor really and she is going into preschool 4year olds she has a late b-day so i hope someone can give me good advice thanks for your time today!




  1. I'm happy to hear that you want to be your child's first and most important teacher. What you are doing is very important!

    First thing is to read to her every day. As you read, put your finger under each word, and have it so she can see it.

    Since you say she can write, then have her read back to you.

    This summer, have a contest with each other. Who can read more books?

    Start out and have her read you a book, then you read her a book, back and forth.

    You might have flash cards with new words on it.

    Leapfrog has some nice programs available, but can be expensive, but you can NEVER do better than just reading and listening.

    Also, there is not apostrophe in names and sentences. Only use them to show possession or that letters are missing.

    Good luck!

  2. look for books that are for k-1st grade they have writing reading all kinds of books but for her age you want pre k or k-1st grade to start off with.

    this is what you need to buy for starting out with her. I tutor my kids too


    if she is going into preschool she has a head start already.

  3. the jumpstart computer games are really fun for kids her age and they teach kids a lot of stuff.

  4. you can use flash cards and if you go to walmart you can go to a book section that has children books that they can write in and they are fun and educational.I have a little sister that was 5years old at the time used those books and she worked every page in ththose books.One of her books had numbers and shapes.the other one had shapes,but it did not have colors in it because she knew those pretty well. you can find color books too though.the flash cards are easy to learn by.She will love it she will think that it is so so so fun and easy. make sure you look at the bottom of the book for the ages.when you help her with her colors point at things aroundyou and ask her what color they are. you can even teach her the colors of the rainbow.






    Indigo (purple)

    Violet (purple)

    you can also make sure she watches lots of educational tv shows like:PBS

    she will learn that stuff in no time!

    she will know it so well she will be singing it to you!        

    I know she can do it........OH YEAH,make sure she learns her ABC'S and her 123'S........IF she does not already know them.



    don't forget to have a fun friday every friday when she does good all week or everyday you can give her a prize when she gets something right.


  5. Make letter flash cards(upper and lower case) and help her learn their names and sounds. Start with A and T.  Once she knows their individual sounds, teach her the word at.  Then add letters that make at words(sat, fat,rat,bat,hat...) next introduce i, and do it words(hit,sit,bit,fit...) then gradually add more three letter words.  

    teach her to recognize small amounts.  Hold up thre fingers, two marbles, one two toys, and ask her how many there are.  Once the recognizes one two and three, move on to four and five.  

    Play games where she rolls one die, an takes one cheerio for each dot on the die.  When she's good at that, make it two dice.

    Draw random squiggles on paper, and ask her to trace them.  Give her play doh(or make bread dough, or pretzels) to knead(increasing finger strength).  

    Work on large motor coordination through skipping, making obstacle courses in the living room and yard, jumping jacks, rolling throwing and catching balls.  

    Sing songs, clapping marching and dancing to the rhythem.

    Always keep things light and fun.  Never force her to do education wrk she's not into. Give her lot's of encouragement for effort and accomplishments. (Youre getting so smart.  Wow, how did you know that, good job,  keep going,...)

  6. buy some math flashcards and write a notebook with colors and shapes and other things. sit her down everyday for an hour or so, and teach her.

  7. If you are a christian, start with a child's bible. Then make simple flashcards with colors, numbers, shapes. Soon she'll be reading at a 3rd grade level.

  8. I taught my daughter by buying hooked on phonics, hooked on math and the hooked on work books. Also by the end of kindergarden she will have to know the sight words a, my, the, like, I, at, go, we, no, see, look, come, did, am, and, yes, said, can, me, for, one, up, little, here, and are. Work on a few at a time and have her find them in magazines and etc. She does not need to know how to spell these just be able to reconize them. The shapes will include a sphere, cone, cylinder, and a cube. She will need to be able to count by 5's and 10's to 100 and from 1 to 100. also practice on rhyming words and dictating stories. She should also be able to recite a few poems, songs, and rhymes. She will have to know the name all the upper case and lower case letters and their sounds. I also bought other books that went along with teaching all of the things I mentioned above. As your daughter learns go to the higher grade level work books. My daughter is starting 1st grade in the fall but is working out of the 1st and second grade books. She got very good grades in K but I worked on what she needed to know for K the year before she started K. My advice is teach her as much as she is ready for but keep it fun and don't nag. As long as you make it fun she will be willing to do more and more. I hope this helps from what you have wrote I think your daughter is ready to learn grade K because it sounds like she knows everything she would  learn from the preschool workbooks.

  9. She is way over age level, if she is already writing her name and sentences (?) What sentences is she writing? I truly hope that you are not constantly drilling her in writing, reading, and color and shapes. Pre-K kids should be playing a lot! That is how they learn.

    You seem like you are doing a great job already with the teaching of your daughter. If you are going to Teacher Delight, I would recommend buying her toys that are geared towards learning. Blocks of different shapes and colors helps them learn through play. You can allow her to use her imagination and build whatever she choses. Then ask her what she made and what colors and shapes did she use.

    Also buy some fun books with cool pictures to color and activities to do. There are big books at teacher stores that deal with all the skills that children her age need to be learning. Yet, she seems like she may be at the Kindergarten level already. Buy a small, inexpensive Pre-K book and see if she is advanced beyond that stage. If so, go back and get the Kindergarten one.

    I would also recommend buying a couple of children's learning CD's. Children really learn songs fast and they can dance and have fun while learning!!! Little People puts out a whole bunch of cute ones; so does Little Einstein.

    Dress up clothes allow children to role play and learn that way. Buy a few or find old clothes that you would never wear again. I would recommend going to K-Mart, Walmart, or Target or even the $ store to buy costumes. Teacher store's costumes are $30 or more dollars per outfit!

    Also buy your child lots and lots of books, if you haven't already done so! Exposure to books will help children learn to read quicker. Also, get her a library card. She will have a blast at the library. Some public libraries have reading programs in the summer and school year.

    I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND getting a tutor for a 4 1/2 year old. You are the best teacher at this point in her life. Keep doing what you are doing, because it sounds to me as if she is more than prepared for Pre-K.

    I was a Pre-K teacher and I taught many of my students how to spell their names and they went to Kindergarten knowing how to write them. I taught them colors, shapes, etc... So, your daughter may be a little bored in Pre-K since she is already doing so well : )

  10. teach her who's boss and make her listen and she will grow toward tutoring.

  11. Wll, you can just ask a substitude teacher at one of the Elementary schools. It wn't cost very much. What ever you do, do NOT tae him/her to Sylvan. I read that Sylvan takes most of your child's time of the day away. Causing them to gain wait of lack of exersise.

  12. Hooked on Phonics for the reading skills.

    Flash cards for the others

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