
I want to upgrade to a better paintball gun/marker. Do you have any reccomendations?

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I have a Tipmann 98 that's over 5 years old. I'm looking for a semi-automatic or fully automatic that uses CO2. Please reccomend the brand, model and give me some reasons why you like it. Thanks in advance.




  1. better idea. instead of buying an a-5 or an x7( complete waste of money), buy a cyclone feeder for your 98. This makes it pretty much identical to an a-5. Then buy an e-trigger to make it full auto. ur lookin at $150-$170. An e-gripped a-5 would cost roughly $270. If u want to save the hassle, just buy the a-5. Don't get the x7 as it is internally identicalk to the a-5, it just has a different body.

  2. Stick with Tippmann maybe upgrade to the A-5 or X7, but they are a staple brand that can be upgraded to your liking

  3. The Tippman X7, best gun out on the marker. But if you get it then dont get the basic, get the one with the E-Grip. This allows you to go semi-auto, 3 shot burst, or full auto just by the flip of a switch, its amazing. Im about to get myself one in October probably. And another great thing about the X& is that its the most costumizable gun ever in the history of paintball. Check out this webiste, they sale different body kits for the gun and this isnt even all the different kits there are. They also have sniper kits on other websites just not this one.

    This is the page about the X7, look for where it says costumize the X7, its awesome the things you can do.

    Here is another website with different upgrades.

  4. go to they have all upgrade for your type of gun but your gun might be a little out of date check it out their stuff is great.

    p.s. that link is for all tipman accesories is great

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