
I want to visit Scotland and see the country for the least amount of $ but still enjoy my holiday.?

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I would like to do a drive tour and see the way the country folks live and stay in some castles. Anyone know of a someone who can put together an itenierary fo this type of trip? I will be coming alone and would like to know also if thi is safe to do. I am a pretty adventurous person and would love some feedback from someone who has done this type of trip before on a modest budget. I have at least a couple of weeks for the trip and want to cover enough ground but visit with quaint B & B's in the villages or cities that will reflect the real Scottish people and their hospitality, perhaps even meet a wonderful Scottish gentleman. Anyone out there with a good idea?




  1. scotland's not actually uncivilized, you'll be as safe there as anywhere in the western world... (unless there's a football match...)

    figure out where you want to go and work your way around, there's the edinburgh festival if you can catch that, and some great places to see - loch ness of course!

  2. Hi,

    Scotland is an amazing place and to do a drive to is probably the best way to explore it. Generelly Scotland is a very safe place. There are so many places to discover, I will give you some of my favourites, which are located in north Scotland.

    There is a cute village called Balleter in Aberdeenshire, where you can stay for a little. You say you are adventurous, than you might enjoy stay in an accommodation called the old schoolhouse, with beds in a dorm from £22.

    If you want to stay in a castle for cheap, I suggest to visit Carbisdale Castle in Sutherland. A private room is available from £20.

    As well I would recomment Loch Lomond - fantastic countryside. You can stay in proper style at the Loch Lomond Hostel. It is an impressive country house set in theTrossachs National Park, with stunning views of Loch Lomond and hills to the east.

    Here you'll find a good selection of chaep accommodation in Scotland.

  3. Here are some websites for tour companies that do Scotland itineraries:

    If you prefer to arrange your own trip, there are suggested driving itineraries on the following link

    and VisitScotland has a bed and breakfast booking service

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