
I want to visit Switzerland on my own, How can I manage and book everything & go pre-planned to minimize cost?

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I have never visited any place out-side India, I want to start my global travelling with Switzerland, I am totally unaware of foreign travelling kindly help me with best tips




  1. You picked one of the most expensive places to start out your trip.  I would visit France first and take a day trip to Switzerland using the train (sleeping in it) so you don't blow all your funds in the first week.  Google: Europass  train travel. Check out some on the Blogs of European Travel written by young single tourists.  They have all kinds of good tips and up to date experiences.  Have fun :)

  2. i used to travel with the lonley planet. it was perfect for me.

    Try to write to all the hotels you are planning to stay and ask them for a special price. most hotels will give you  a special offer. It really helps to cut down costs.

    once in Switzerland i would buy a special train ticket. LIke the swiss pass. Trains are very expansive if you travel without a discount card.

    People on the station will always offer you the cheapest ticket if you tell them, that you will travel around.

  3. You can go to, it covers everyting from tourist sites to hotel and transportation.  I recently went in June 2006 and it was very expensive so be prepared financially.  Also, hotels are very expensive for a week or more length of stay-try can rent a small cottage for a week with kitchen etc. for the same price as a hotel.

  4. Switzerland is a great place to begin your traveling adventures... it's spotlessly clean, incredibly safe (esp if you're alone), and beautiful scenery that is hard to beat anywhere else.  you don't even need a car to see the best sights, since the country has a fantastic network of trains and other public transportation.  first to do is decide where you want to go. has a nice flash presentation for itineraries at 3, 5, 10 days (click the About Switzerland tab) that should give you an idea of places to visit (i wouldn't necessarily follow it exactly though, since some of the routes could be made simpler and cheaper).  do you want to do a multicity round-about tour of the country?  or settle in one region then do day trips?  i've done both, and each has its advantages.  the multi-city tours require more time, it's more expensive (mainly because of the train fare), but you get a feel for the multi-national flavor of the country.  single region stays are more relaxed, and you can thoroughly explore one area without always rushing to take the next train out; this is also a better option if your intent is to see the most famous peaks like Jungfrau and Matterhorn -- since cloudy days that obscure the view are not uncommon in the Swiss alps.  remember that trains can take a big chunk of you budget, and while there are always various options like half-fare card and Swiss Pass, the cost will never become insignificant.  for a week-long stay, you should budget at least $2000 or maybe 3000 if you're planning to visit a lot of places.

  5. Go to . It has everything for you.

  6. It's a very nice country, but you must prepare your creditcard. It's very expensive (more than San Francisco or LA for example)

    But it's a little country you can take a flight to Geneva or Zurich, and after you will rent a car (ask an automatic car !!!!!!!!!)

    Prepare to buy a watch, jewels oand luxury objects.....

    People is very cool; in the North they speak German and in the South and West they spek French.

    But a lot of people speak in english in the towns

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