
I want to visit a city with London in the UK...wich of the following is the best??

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I am going to UK for 7-8 days...and i am planning to go to either Cardiff or Manchester....plz tell me wich of the following is better...any other suggestions wud also be accepted but for day trips...i mean there shud not be much travelling time by train to that place....and it shud be in UK..





  1. they're both big cities, but there's far prettier places to visit ... how about Oxford, Cambridge, Canterbury, York, Edinburgh

  2. I would recommend Liverpool!

  3. Neither are typical tourist cities. So, if you want to visit somewhere attractive, try Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge, bath etc. instead.

    However, between the two, I prefer Manchester, though Cardiff does have the advantage of giving you an insight in to the Welsh Culture and Language.

  4. I really liked Cardiff but unfortunately I haven't visited Manchester so can't comment. Liverpool has the 2008 European culture award so I guess that would be the best city, apart from London of course.

    Manchester is only 30 mins away from Liverpool so you could do those to.

  5. I'd go for Cardiff out of the choices you've given.  Cardiff is a very nice city with interesting streets and small shopping arcades, a castle and a nice bay area to wander around.  

    If you can, go and visit St Fagans which is a small village/museum very close to Cardiff

    (I couldn't get their own website to work, but this will tell you a bit about it).  It's free to enter too nowadays which is great and as a family, we always love going there to look around the old buildings, many of which were moved to the museum and restored

    Tintern Abbey is also gorgeous and is about 1.5 hours from Cardiff - lovely ruins, lovely location.  Worth a visit if you're into all that and have time, and the transport to go.

    Another castle to visit nearby is Caerphilly which is very close to Cardiff - about 20 mins in a car.

    All of the above, I'm sure you could get info on from the Tourist Information Centres in the UK.  If you don't have your own transport, they'll be able to help you get there via public if necessary:

  6. well manchester has had the most renevating and cardiff is quite busy, i would say cardiff since manchester used to be a very industrial city that has only wihtin the lasst 50 years really shown itself as a tourist spot. also if you get a chance visit a place called Cheddar it is in Somerset nad there is a gorge and many tourist spots such as jacobs tower.

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