
I want to visit philippines next year for longer than 21 days?

by  |  earlier

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anyone no how i get an extension when i get there i have been told i can get it exstened every 2 months i have a british passport




  1. Just go to your local Philippine Consulate and apply for an extended visa. Costs you about 70 bucks and afew days later you got a 59 day visa all ready to go. Just be sure to do this just before you leave as you wouldn't want it to expire on you to early. Saves alot of hastle and I do it all the time when I got there for extended periods of time. Trying to extend it while your over there is just a burden. Best of luck and remember to bring alot of money because you'll sure be spending alot.

  2. You can just come here for 3 weeks without visa and after 3 weeks, you go to your embassy here and try to extend your stay here with additional fee, of course.

    GOD BLESS YOUR TRIP!!!!!!! Oh, be sure to bring with you mosquito repellent.

  3. Just come to Philippines and upon arrival you have a visa.  And if you want to extend it I do know that just go to Immigration, Manila. From that office they could assist you in extending your visa.  Welcome to Philippines.  Mabuhay!

  4. If you plan to stay longer than 21 days you will need a visa before you leave the UK, it can be extended here no problem, just be prepared to hang around immigration for best part of a day, its expensive in the UK to get a visa, mostly the solicitors fee for notarising the application, I think I paid £87.50 just for the public notary, only if you don't have one when you arrive you can't extend it, but I am not 100% sure about that, have a look on the website of the Philippine Immigration here in the RP its very comprehensive    

  5. Get a tourist visa. Otherwise, you'll get arrested if you're caught. You need the visa.

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