
I want to volunteer abroad with an organisation i found online. how can i run a reliable check on the org.?

by  |  earlier

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to find out its reliability and safety records, credentials etc etc

I live in England, but the organisation in mainly US based and provides volunteering opportunities in the middleeast

any advice would be great







  1. what organisation is it?

  2. Better make sure the broad wants to volunteer first. bada bing!

  3. You could check with the Foreign Office.  You can ring them and ask or send them an email.

  4. It would help to know the organization; but I would check with the Red Cross, since they are the most reliable help organization maybe they know about this other people's reputation.

    You could also email the US Embassy, US State Department to find out if there are any complaint about those people.

    Be carefull some groups are just amateurs with no concept of safety and other are just scamers trying to take advantage of victims and volunteers.

    By the way, even with a well known and reputable help organitation there is no way to know if you are going to be "safe", since British and Americans are not wellcome over there.

  5. um im not sure but i do know this other good site that has voulenteering and charity stuff...

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