
I want to volunteer for something but i just can't decide....can anyone help me?

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I want to volunteer for something but i just can't decide....can anyone help me?




  1. some stuff i do is:

    -red cross

    -read to kids at library

    -tutor at ememantary school

    -beach/city clean up

    -walk and feed dogs at animal shelter*

    -serve food at soup kitchen

    -hospital volunteer*

    -entertain at senior center

    *must be 16 or older to do

    try some of those stuff....i think they're all fun..but my favorite is helping out at the childrens ward at the hospital.

  2. It depends on what you like and where your heart is. There are a number of places to choose from.

    1- Hospitals, a lot of people will even choose what floor of the hospital they want to volunteer.

    2- Salvation Army, When the Disaster Wagon is sent out, they can always use Volunteers.

    3- Red Cross, there you can take a CPR and First Aide teaching course for free then Volunteer your time to teach the classes, or again, they also have a Disaster Wagon that can always use Volunteers.

    4- Check with your church too, Volunteer to teach Sunday School, or lead Chorus, or band.

    The list goes on and on.

  3. What are your choices?

  4. Pick something you like to do and are good at then look for places that take on volunteers.

  5. i volunteer at the retirement home for the elderly, and it's pretty fun, i mean you may think old people are boring and depressing but there not that way at all. I know this one really cool old lady she's blind and half deaf, and she is so hilarious, and every time i go and visit her she says were goin to have a party.

  6. I don't know where you live, but if there is a community or college radio station in your area, that is a fun and fantastic volunteer opportunity

  7. Become a big brother/big sister to a needy child in your area.  Go to the YWCA in you area and volunteer.  Animal shelters are also in need of volunteers.  Go to a soup kitchen and volunteer to serve food to the homeless.   Red Cross also has volunteer opportunities.

  8. go to your local nursing home and help out. or serve food at a shelter.

  9. deal with your interest. kids? home for the aged? simple duty like cleaning the neighborhood with other kids? that would depend on whatever u like. if u can't decide, try those and then stop if u don't feel that u belong there. :)

  10. go to  the ppl on this site usually need help the most

  11. Old people's home

  12. what are your interests

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