
I want to wear a scarf?

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I'm sixteen. I pray five times a day. I love Allah and my religion. I'm not sure if i'm religious or not lol i just love being Muslim. My faith has grown a lot. It's so wierd. It makes me cry sometimes but in a good way, it makes me feel that God watched out for me and led me the right way. I'm currently not wearing a hija and i have been thinkign about it for quite a while now, i don't know if i'm ready but how do i know when i'm ready? Can someone please tell me.Thankyou♥




  1. just  wear it  and tel how u feel after you wear a hijab  

  2. Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    When I read your question, I was just like, 'Masha'Allah!' because Alhamdulillah, you have began to think about your religion seriously at that age!

    Islam does not prohibit women from going out to fulfill their needs, but it lays down a proper code of behavior, which is primarily intended to safeguard the modesty, dignity and honor of men and women.

    Remember Allah has not revealed religion to make life difficult; rather it is intended to make it easy and comfortable for us. Allah says: (He has not laid upon you in religion any hardship) (Al-Hajj 22: 78). (Allah wishes to lighten the burden for you; for certainly man has been created weak!) (An-Nisaa’ 4: 28).

    If you want to know Hijab's requirements:

    1. It should cover her whole body except face and hands.

    2. It should be loose-fitting.

    3. It should not be transparent or revealing.

    4. It should not be an attire specifically worn by men only.

    May God help you. Aameen.


  3. we as women are commanded to cover,so it's not really something we should just do when and if we choose to. having said that my suggestion is to make sure you're both physically and spiritually ready b/c once you do it's a commitment and you should  make sure you're ready for it. ramadan is coming so it's just the right time to start .

    also just think how do you want to be brought before Allah, as a obedient servant or a disobedient one. i hope you make the right decision. i will make dua for you.

  4. learn more more and more..... about all religions......

    it will fix you in Islam......

  5. I have learned that with a hijab comes a certain responsibility. You must be decent in all that you do (hygene, talk, worship, etc...) to wear a hijab (to show other's you're Muslim) and then back bite at someone or curse, would be disgracing yourself, but Allah. People will think, "Mulims act that way??" and then be turned off by it completely.

  6. I think it's wonderful that you want to wear hijab! Masha'Allah. Just start wearing it and being patient. A woman is required to wear it once she starts puberty so you really should start now.

    This is something that no scholar says is optional and there were never any questions about it during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) or the Sahabbah or Tabieen so it was obvious to them and should be to us too.

    You're already praying five times a day so Insha'Allah, Allah will make it easy for you.


  7. don't hesitate ma sha Allah you seem to be a really good girl and since your thinking about it it means your ready you'll get used to it easily my cousin in the UK the same age as yours has worn it since she was 14

    i would like to hear the good news

  8. you sound like me two years ago. i was fifteen when i put on the scarf and as much as i wanted to put it on, i always had doubts. eventually i did it and i've been wearing it for two years now and i'm so glad i took that step. i was always worried and i kept wondering what my friends would think and how things would be different but now i look back and i'm so thankful that i didn't let that stop me. don't be afraid to take a step forward.

  9. just wear one..

  10. i think you are ready, so just wear it and have confidenence in yourself.....

  11. Don't make it like you are getting married to a scarf. Just wear it one day and see how you feel. Don't wear it the next day and compare how you feel. Wear it when it is most appropriate to wear one.  

  12. It's called Hijab.

    You are ready if you pray 5 times a day and have a strong faith.

    God Bless.

  13. Sallam,

    u should start wearing the hijab and follow the responsibilities that come with it, as this life is only a test.. and we should follow what Allah (swt) has ordered for us, because He knows best. Also i would suggest to not delay wearing the hijab ti'll later, because we don't know if we will be alive later.

    Also hijab protects us in this world, and then we r rewarded for it in the next, what could be better?

    inshAllah Allah (swt) will give u strength  

  14. Mashallah

    God give you strenth just do it sister take abbaya from shop and start wear today its great thinking being a muslim a women should wear Hijaab bcz OUr Prophet and Allah Order us to cover our hole body  for going out side its gud

    best of luck

  15. Why would you want to wear a hijab?  If you are lucky enough to belong to a family that doesn't make you wear one, count yourself lucky.

    You sound very immature, and unready to make a decision like that anyway.  Wait a few years.  

    In the meantime read a few books, aside from the Quran, they would benefit you greatly, and open your eyes.

  16. No one can tell u when ur ready for it. U will just have to feel it within u. Im 14 and am EXACTLY the way u r! Pray 5 timez a day, have Surah Yaseen memorized, i love my faith. It has grown a lot too! I dont wear hijab yet, i rly want to. But do it when YOU feel ready. Good luck darlin!

  17. First, I'll say I am not Muslim, but I know a little about it as I have studied different religions for some time.  My question is, are you a convert?  And if you are, would your parents object?  And if they would, my question would be to Muslims, what should she do in that situation?

  18. Mashallah sister you are indeed in the right path I think you are ready and like someone already said you are ready when you hit puberty.You are very lucky that you are of the muslims that pray 5 times a day.Hijab is a very important part of being a muslim female.I have worn it since I was 13 and alhamdullah I wouldn't change it for anything or anyone.If you think you are ready go for it !

  19. You sound pretty ready to me so go for it! :D

    I was kinda like you before i started wearing my hijab but i was like what the heck.

    It's been like 4-5 months since wearing it and i'm a year younger then you so i'm sure you can do it! I mean you pray and all so your pretty religious compared to others who don't even do that!

    Well good luck! Inshallah it will work out for you!!!

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