
I want to wear a speedo???

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I want to wear a speedo but don't know how to buy one or ask my parents or anything. How do they fit? Are they becoming popular? Any ideas?




  1. I wear them all the time to the beach and pool with my wife and kids. Tey are much more comfortable than boardshorts, they dry quicker and you get a better tan. Don't worry about the fashion police, if you want to wear them go for it.

  2. I have the same problem. I have a big spandex fetish and really want a speedo. i dont really know what to do. If its for a swim team, just tell them.  If not, get one and hide it.

  3. they are s**y they make u and everyone around u horny

  4. If you must.... But dude make sure they fit snug nothing looks worse than the butt sag in those things....Though why you want to eludes me....As for parental permission I don't think so...And try department stores sport stores etc..

  5. If you want to wear one, go for it. They sell them at various places. Most large chain sport stores carry them. sells them online. As far as asking your parents, I'm not sure there is anything you can say other than "can you buy me a speedo?" Popularity? I'm not sure about that.

  6. I think u would be better off wearing jammer shorts.

  7. just go out and buy one, theres no age limit in order for you to buy one ya know?

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