
I want to wire my child, so I can be a fly on the wall at school for just one day?

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Does anyone have any Ideas on a very small tape recorder I could slip in her back pack without her noticing it. Also It would need to be a 8-10 hour tape recorder. She is in first grade, and her teacher is great, but I think there is something happening on the bus ride home, Any ideas on how I could spy, would be great. TY




  1. call the school

  2. How old is the child? ohe or she would probably notice a tape recorder set to record in her back pack.

  3. come on....why don't you  just ask her what is happening on the bus....and if the other kids are saying things happen report it....spying is not good.... later you will find other reasons to spy....and that is not right you should trust your child....

  4. I'm not a lawyer.

    But in some states (like the one I live in) it's OK to record someone else's voice as long as one of the folks being recorded (as in a phone conversation) knows she is being taped.

    But I would guess it's ok to record anyone's voice in any state, but that such a recording may not be admissible as evidence against that person in court.

    Anyway, if it was my kid I'd say s***w the law!

    I'd make the recording & if the facts proved to be as the kids described, I'd confront the bus driver with a COPY of the recording and suggest he/she simply quit THAT DAY!

  5. I wouldn't bother doing that, I would just call the bus company and file a complaint. Maybe speak to a couple other moms who have children on that bus and see if they would be willing to make a complaint as well. Tape recorders that do what you want cost hundreds of dollars. Just talk to your child and if she says that it is happening then take her word for it and make a complaint. If you don't feel anything will be done about it then drive her to and from school. I drive my youngest to and from school because we had some issues with a couple other kids on the bus being mean to him. I'd rather drive him anyway because the bus ride is long and makes his day longer.

    If I were you I would call the bus company first thing and ask them #1. if they have cameras on the buses and #2. if they have had any complaints and then tell them what you have heard.

    You can even petition the bus company to put cameras on the bus. My friend and I did that a few years ago. My older children were coming home telling us that the bus driver was jerking the bus and screaming at kids to sit down "or else". My friend and I made a petition for either a bus monitor or cameras to be installed and we also wanted the bus route split between two buses because there were too many kids on one bus. We had all the parents whos kids rode that bus sign it and then had a meeting with the bus company and the director of finance on the school board.

    The decided in the end to split the route and they added a camera to the bus. We never had a problem again after that.

  6. I just saw on the news recently about a mom secretly recording her daughter in preschool. She had suspicions like you, and it turns out she was right. The teacher was saying horrible things to those little kids all day long. I'm not sure what she used to record, but it was small and it recorded all day. You might want to google that story  for all the info.  If I were you I would go for it.

  7. in many states it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge.

    perhaps ask the bus driver to keep an eye out during the bus ride? (obviously just during the getting off and getting on.... or you could ask an older kid?)

    edit -- certainly if you get reports like that again, i'd raise it with the school principal; you don't need a tape recording.  i'd ask some of the parents of the other kids who were discussing it to mention it, as well.

    edit -- sorry for the multiple edits, but it's not true as someone said below that it is only illegal to record phone conversations.  even using nanny-cams that record voice (as opposed to just audio) are illegal in some states if the person doesn't know they're being recorded.

  8. That girls on a good one, and I wish she would share what she's smokin....

    RECORD HIM. It's not illegal because it's not a phone conversation.

    I say do it as soon as possible, did you hear about that witch screaming at 4 year olds telling them they were stupid kids and bad kids? Why on earth would anyone take the chance in letting their children, or even the children surrounding them, be abused by some jerkoff?

    Go to the nearest Radio Shack and they should be able to get a good one for you. Good luck.

  9. that sounds like a wonderful solution to the problem but look at from others point of view. and the outcome if u take the recorder to the school.

    1. its illegal to record someone with out their permission.

    2. can u afford to be sued.

    3. my theroy is go to the bus barn and let the supervisor know whats going on. let them deal with the situation and if they dont due something go higher up till the situation is resolved.

    dont do something u might regret later.

  10. instead of "wiring" the kid, why don't you go to the parents of the other children who said that the attendant was cussing - get together with the parents and go to the school.

  11. Some school districts put cameras on the bus.  You might call the school.  Do you know any older kids, neighbors that ride the bus?  You might be able to ask them.  If they say yes  then report it to your school and the bus supervisor.

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