
I want to wirte a fromal letter ,can you help me ?

by  |  earlier

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We hereby acknowledge and agree that your company claims us USD$5329, and I would like to express our company's position and the views on this metal product, relative all of our metal products, we can say that this NICKEL RELEASE product has reach basic standard. According to our company running so many years, we have not received any complaints with this NICKEL RELEASE problem.

Since this case happened over a year, not easy to find out the problems and we don’t want to waste too much time to deal with this case, so we will accept your claim this time.

But I am still want to let you know my point of the view, according to I am work in this field so many years accumulation of these knowledge and experience to judge it, I believe these mistake caused by workers, probably is the electroplating factory mistaken mixed our products with other company’s products. We are sorry for these negligence and problems.

In addition, I want to let you understand our company’s situation, we can not always afford to these responsibility or risks, because these goods shipped to you more than a year, during to this period, may have a lot of different.

the company very much hope that you will understand our situation, we can not always assume the responsibility of such risks, because this has been shipped to over more than a year, during such a long time, may have a lot of things And change, if each time need us to bear these risks, this is very unfair.




  1. I will try as best I can :-

            We hereby acknowledge and agree that your company is claiming from us USD $5329. I would like to explain our company's position, and also views on the metal product in question. The Nickel Release product is basic standard. Having made some enquiries into the records of our company of many years standing within the manufacturing of this Nickel Release product, we have not uncovered any previous complants.

               Since the problem occurred over a year ago, we have not experienced any of the same problems since. However to show our goodwill and respect for your company as a valued customer we will accept your claim this time only. If there are any problems with the electroplating of this product in the future any claim will have to be made to the factory in question. Hopefully this will not occur again.

               I have worked in this particular field of production for many years and have much knowledge on the processes which complete this product and it is my utmost belief that the error in manufacture was caused in the electroplating of this product of which we have no control. We can only appologise for any negligence of the electroplating factory and the problems caused.

               We have introduced strict laboratory testing of each particular model/product as per your instructions and we are arranging for the shipment to be made. We will continue to make advancements in the quality our products and endeavour to sustain and upgrade as necessary, production control.

              Sorry once again for any inconvenience caused.

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