
I want to work at a daycare for toddlers. What sort of education is needed ?

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I want to work at a daycare for toddlers. What sort of education is needed ?




  1. It depends on the program you want to work for and the state regulations where you are.  You might be able to start with a CDA, and then maybe some college classes or a degree in early childhood education.  I'm sure if you call a few daycare or preschool programs they will be happy to let you know what sort of credentials they would want you to have.

  2. Childcare and Development

    you have to go to college for that. CDEC Classes

    Well that is if you want to earn decent money.

    If you just want to be like a babysitter you dont have to go to school

  3. It depends on what type of daycare center it is. Most want you to have early childhood development courses which can be taken at your community college, some want you to have your AA or AS, some require a Center Permit, and others prefer a BA or BS. You need to find out first what type of center you are looking at and then go from there. Regardless get started by taking some Child Development courses at the Community college. They can also tell you at the college what you need to take to work.

  4. Early Childhood education.  You can usually get this class in your high school.  If you are not in high school, your local community college will have a class.  There could be other restrictions or requirements depending on where you live. The institution offering the class will have more information regarding that pertaining to your area. After you are employed there will be ongoing education classes available via your employers licensing agency, the type and frequency again depends on your location.

  5. High school diploma normally, and experience with children somehow.

    They always 'prefer' that you have some college, but even if you do, they aren't going to pay you more than anyone else. It's a very stressful and low paying career.

    Best of luck.

  6. Depending on the state, there are specific requirements. Check with any local childcare center and they can tell you. If you live in California, you will have to be fingerprinted. To be alone with children you must have a minimum of 12 units of Child Development or Early Childhood Education classes. They are a specific 12 units. You must also have a current CPR and First Aid certificate. These are the basics.

  7. i would imagne that you would need an eduaction in health and social care, or child care, somehting like that

    and most like you to have a first aid cerficatue, and you must have a current crimal records check

  8. You usually have some classes you need to take about early childhood education. Some states are even requiring a CDA now, so I would call your potential employer and ask them.

  9. It varies depending on the type of position.  I think you can be an assistant with just a high school education.  For teachers and other leaders, I have seen advertisements for some requiring associates degrees (2 year degree) as far up as a bachelors in ECE (early childhood education).

  10. It depends on the state. In Arizona, some college is necessary, and definitely go heavy on the early education classes, but where I am now, I would need 12 hours of early childhood education classes, minimum.

  11. You will need some general child development classes and early childhood classes.

  12. Knowledge is power, is not just a cliche. For the best way to find our all you need to know, go to

  13. Take early childhood education courses in college.

  14. At my sons daycare all the teachers have early childhood education degrees. Some course study in special education also looks good on a resume.

  15. I would think 'what sort of prescription' would make a better question.

    My sister worked at a daycare center, and I can assure you that she had no special education.

  16. Introduction to preschool

    Early child Education

    Health and safety for children

    Infant Development

    Introduction to Education and Teaching

    Home-child-community Relations

    Child abuse education

    First aid and CPR

    These are some of the classes that you would have to take and it depends on the college you are going to go to. The names of the classses maybe different.

    I went to school and got my Degree in social and Behavorial Sciences and it is in 4 places. Marrage in Family (Children),

    Couseling(children at a school) , Sociology(children) , Teacher . I can be a Director because I took Administation classes.

    Talk to a person at the college and then find out the classes that you should start out with. I hope this will help.

    In some places you are required to have at least 6 units to work as a Teacher Assistant and then 12 units to work as a Teacher. Some places will not hire unless you have at least 3 to 6 units and signed up in a class.

    I have been a Teacher for over 20 years and a Director of 5 months( I moved back to south).

    I hope this will help.

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