
I want to work at a golf course?

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I am only 15 but I don't want to get the job til I'm 16, which will be in the early fall.

The head PGA Pro there, who is also the manager of the course gives me golf lessons and he is good friends with my dad. My dad really wants me to get a job and thats where I want to work, a golf course. So... would it be wrong to ask the guy who gives me my lessons to help me get a job there, or to give me a job?

I don't know, its confusing to explain. I hope you understand it





  1. Ask him.  If he is a friend of the family and manages the course, pretty sure he would hire you.  But, if he does, be responsible and do the job right, otherwise, it could be a poor reflection on you and your family.

  2. Just simply be polite and ask for it.  Don't beat around the bush.  Just ask a straight forward question.  Just tell him that you will be 16 in the fall and you are wondering if he would (not could) keep you in mind for a job at the course.  He's your Dad's friend and your instructor.  He already knows you and you already have an inside track.  So, why would he say no?  Relax and ask.

  3. I think you have to be at least 17

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