
I want to work at sea world!?

by Guest63679  |  earlier

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i want to work at sea world as a dolphin or whole trainer, but what kind for schooling do i need. how much do they get paid. do u think its worth it, give me all the info u can! thanks so much!




  1. OMG! i want to do the same thing! I lkove dolphins and it so cool what you can make them do. I would like to know the same thing. so when you find out let me know. Thanks! sorry i couldent help!

  2. nah

  3. Okay STOP.

    If you love wildlife, you would not support them being in a tiny cage and made to perform!

    They should be in the wild with there family.

    dont support captivity, it’s a really nasty thing, if u did some research into it, then you would probably change your views.

    All whales and dolphins are DYING TO ENTERTAIN US!


  4. You would probably need a degree in Animal Science or Animal Behavior, or Marine Biology/Marine Science - any combination of the three. These are 4 year degrees and in some cases you would need a Masters in addition (an additional 2 to 4 years).

    During those years of schooling it would be helpful to go for an internship working at an aquarium or zoo, or even a theme park where animals are kept. Then you'd get working experience to learn from people who do this professionally, and an internship is probably the only way you would get into that field. You can't just graduate and do that kind of thing with no experience! Go for the internship while in college.  

  5. Call them and  ask if  one  of  trainers can contact  you  back. That  person  can help your  answers.  But you will probable  also  be required  to  work in  park  in  other  services  while  training., such  as  maintenance, feedings,  souvenirs.

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