
I want to work at the body shop and one of the questions is 'Why do you want to work at the body Shop?'

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Can u please help? Good answers please




  1. If the people interviewing are the typical good ole country boy types, I would make them laugh by saying something funny first like. "I noticed a lot of women can't drive so I thought it would be a great way to meet women."

    After they laugh then say I am just joking actually it has always been a hobby of mine and I would love to get paid to do something I enjoy so much.

    You could say:  It is like an art for me, and I want to learn from the best so after doing some research, your work is some of the highest regarded in the area.

    Basically say something that will make them laugh and then something that cements the idea that you really are in to the job and kiss their butt a little if you can accomplish all three they will be sold.

    I am in the Army and a couple of years ago I was at an important conference with about 20 people. The guy in charge of all the Enlisted Medical people was there. He asked us to all stand up and say a little about ourselves. Everyone immediately started tooting there own horn. When it was my turn I stood up and said "My name is X and I like long walks on the beach, holding hands, and writing poetry." I then just sat down.

    I saw him about 6 months later and introduced myself, He said "I know who you are you work at X and like taking long walks on the beach." and laughed. My point is if you say something really different you stick out and they will remember you.

  2. If the clothing store: explain your fashion knowledge, current trendy fashion, and love for style. Also emphasize your diligent work ethic and consistent work methods would be greatly utilized.

    If the soap/perfume shop: explain the same except talk about how you love new things and love helping people feel good about themselves. Pampering products are a good way to do that.

  3. I fell that my knowledge of/experience in this industry would make me a valuable member of your team.   I really enjoy this type of work and I would love the chance to prove myself.

  4. really, why do you want to work at the body shop? if you can't answer that then maybe you should go work at mcdonalds.

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