
I want to work for disney and i am 11 years old please help.?

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i want to be faumous and i wanna start with disney but i have stage fright if i sing. and i dont think im good at acting cause you might have to kiss people




  1. At your age you wouldn't have to kiss people but honestly I wouldn't have dreams of working for disney. If you really want to be an actress get your parents to take on photo shoots and see what kind of local work you can get or maybe even commercials in a nearby city.

    little by little it'll lead to television but you'll have your freedom, go to school, and not become a product. Plus later on in life you'll be labeled that 'little girl on the disney show' which might make you rich but your Artistic credibilaty will be shot for YEARS. You might be a bit to young to understand this so I suggest you ask you parents to read this thread.

  2. You're a little old to be just now starting if you want to be the next Hannah Montana.  You should already have a video and still frame portfolio together and be able to cite some of the performances you've already done.

    Disney is looking for someone who currently has no celebrity status but has the potential to be turned into one by their marketing machine.  If you and your agent can convince them that you're that person, you might be able to land a contract with them.

  3. dude, get off this site

  4. Go to a casting call in your area they happen all of the time.

  5. Aha... Sorry, I just found this a little funny...

    You do know Disney hires the best of the best in the best. If you don't sell out, say Good bye. If you get stage fright, and you don't feel confident; All I can say to you is Good Luck, you're going to need it.

    Now I'm not saying you are not going to make it. But the probability is well... Very low. I'll give you a percentage: 5%. When it comes to Disney, out of maybe 5,000 people who audition, only one makes it.

    There must be a purpose why you want to become famous. I never wanted to sell out in Japan, but look what happened to me now, I have a fan-girl base of over two thousand. Is it because you're poor? Or you feel everyone at school is mistreating you? There has to be some reason that has to do with something going on at home or at school.

    I'll try to give you a couple of words of wisdom.

    What you need to understand, and it seems like you haven't gotten yet is that, you need confidence in what you are doing. If you can't kiss anyone during an act, or you're too nervous, say goodbye to your contract with anybody.

    Kid stars, I think have it worst than anybody. They have to go through a lot of things just growing up like puberty (Which you will probably reach soon), making lifetime friends. I'll put you through a day of being famous with words:

    You wake up about 4:00 in the morning after sleeping for about 3 hours the entire night because of all of the transportation you have to go through. You arrive at the set at 6:00 a.m. You have to quickly go through make up and wardrobe, while your director explains everything you have to do. You do the scene, but not very well because you completely forgot everything he said while he was talking very fast. They make you do the scene over and over until you get it right. You get a quick 20 minute break, you sleep the whole time because you didn't get enough sleep on the plane here. Back to the set, they make you do a couple of scenes, one in which you and one of the characters have a romantic scene, and end up kissing. They make you do that scene at least 10 times over and over. Finally 5:00 pm, you have a show tonight. You eat close to nothing for dinner because you are too busy getting ready for the show at 6. You finally get up there and do your thing. About 10:00 pm, you have to rush to the airport, and you just barely made your flight over to London for your tour.

    That's just one day too. Imagine doing that everyday. My point is, it's not easy being famous. You never have any friends, you tend to get lonely. You are always tired. And you are always the "Puppet" that the scriptwriters are using.

    I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but that's the truth.

    Good luck, and try to be confident.

    -Nakayama Akira

  6. you are little early to work at diseney u have to be 17 and older so

  7. If this helps I starred in 18 commericals and then they wanted me to sing on a soap opera "Dallas" So I did and i kissed someone Dont worry they do it liveso you can make as many mistakes

  8. I don't think you will make it if these are your worries.

  9. hey ,

    people at the age of 11 dont kiss at disney : minimum 13 or 14

    they ll give you kid unimportant role at the beginning

    to be famous , u have to audition first in L.A for a show (disney says when and where do u audition)

    if u got accepted ur famous!

    this is wut happened to richest kid in thwe world MILEY CYRUS!

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