
I want to work in a different country, how do i do it?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to be getting out of the army next year with a bs in management and a mba from texas a & m. I want to work abroad, most likely in Europe somewhere. Ive spent enough time in my country, now I want to go to some different ones. Is it possible to live and work in other countries? What do I do?




  1. Decide where u want to go and then take it from there.

  2. First decide where do you want to go? If you want to travel the whole world then join any airline.

    You can also explore on the following websites:

    Best of luck

  3. It's very hard to get a work permit, even if you already have a job here and are planning to work for the foreign branch of your company.  It's almost unheard of to be hired outright by a foreign company.

    You should probably get a job with a mutlinational company here, and then try to get an overseas assignment.

  4. I would think you could research the opportunities for jobs in business management at different multinational corporations. You would have to start with some idea of what job and what country you prefer.

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