
I want to work with animals, what direction should i take in school?

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I would like to work in any of these areas as a career:

-conservation of endangered species

-controling illegal poaching

-controling living conditions for animals who are in zoos

-controling living conditions for animals in the entertainment industry

-controling wildlife animal abuse

Where should I be heading in post secondary education? Biology? Animal Welfare? Animal rights lawyer? Veterinarian? There are so many choices.

If anyone knows anything about this area of careers (what jobs are actually out there? where can I go for more information) and what schooling i will need, that would be great.




  1. Many of the things you seem to be interested in (protecting animals from people) would probably be best served by Environmental/Animal Rights Law. Animal Science in general would be a good major to look at as a undergrad. Being a veterinarian is probably a bit too small in scope for what you're interested in doing (which I commend, by the way). Biology/zoology would be more in the line of scientific research rather than protection. I say go with law and/or animal science for your studies. It's definitely a noble cause you're interested in.

  2. Try to narrow your focus somewhat.  Would you rather work in the field, as a park ranger or biologist, or in the confines of a zoo?  Which direction has more options available?

    Keep your grades up and your doors open, and try to get as much experience as possible in the meantime.

  3. With all the "controling" you want to do, you should at least MINOR in law enforcement. Seriously. Next, if you don't already have a summer job, you should be getting some time in at an animal shelter - volunteer or paid - to make sure you really want to do this before you do. I volunteer at the St. Louis Zoo - many zookeepers get their start working at the zoo in gift shops, snack bars, etc., then work their way up and get education along the way. For what you want to do, I think psychology would be helpful - learn why people do what you're trying to "control" them not to do. Good luck.

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